Table of Contents

Dae'run's Financial Bookkeeping


Date Money In Money Out New Cash Reserve
resuming bookkeeping 1) 0 35.500 564.500
31-60 Falling Mist 3 32.000 10.000 586.500
1-30 Growth 4 32.000 10.000 608.500
31-60 Growth 4 32.000 10.000 630.500
1-30 Damp 4 32.000 10.000 662.500
31- 60 Damp 4 532.000 10.000 1.194.500
1-30 Storm 4 32.000 10.000 1.216.500
31 Storm - 20 Rain 4 74.500 10.000 1.281.000
21- 50 Rain 4 32.000 10.000 1.303.000


This is a list of Dae'run's active sources of income


based upon very old records, to prevent unnecessary aritmetics starting wealth is extrapolated based upon historical wealth, previous stipend and wealth by level