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Character Sheet: Hanamiya An-Yeri

Name Hanamiya An-Yeri
Race Drow
Gender Female
Alignment Tainted Chaotic Neutral

Classes and Level

Gestalt class track. Slots 1 en 2 zitten op hetzelfde gestalt level, reeksen van gelijke class worden samengevoegd en voorzien van noemer.

Slot 1 Ranger 6
Slot 2 Sorcerer 6

Ability Scores

Strength 121) +1
Dexterity 202) +5
Constitution 103) +0
Intelligence 124) +1
Wisdom 145) +2
Charisma 176) +3

Gestalt punten

left to spend: 0 (12)

Combat Abilities

Hit Points 46
Armour Class 17 7); with Mage Armor 21 8)
Flat-Footed Armour Class 11 9); with Mage Armor 15 10)
Touch Armour Class 17 11)
Initiative +9 (+2 in Abyss)
Fortitude Save +6
Reflex Save +11
Will Save +8 (+2 vs Ench)
Base Attack Bonus +6 / +1
MW Longsword +8 / +3 » 1d8+1 19-20/x2
+1 Comp. Longbow (mighty+1) +12 / +7 » 1d8+2 20/x3
Rapid Shot +10 / +10 / +5 » 1d8+1 20/x3
Favored Enemy (Outsiders (Evil))
+1 Comp. Longbow (mighty+1) +16 / +11 » 1d8+6 20/x3
Rapid Shot +14 / +14 / +9 » 1d8+5 20/x3
Favored Enemy (Humanoid (Elf))
+1 Comp. Longbow (mighty+1) +14 / +9 » 1d8+4 20/x3
Rapid Shot +12 / +12 / +7 » 1d8+3 20/x3
CMB +7 12)
CMD 23 13)


Legend: † is favoured enemy-affected, ≡ is favoured terrain-affected.

Skill Bonus Ranks
Acrobatics 5 0
Acrobatics (jump) 5 0
Appraise 0 0
Bluff † 7 † 1
Climb 2 1
Craft() 0 0
Diplomacy 5 2
Disable Device 5 0
Disguise 3 0
Escape Artist 5 0
Fly 5 0
Handle Animal 7 1
Heal 6 1
Intimidate 3 0
Knowlegde (Nature) † 5 † 1
Knowlegde (Geography) †≡ 10 †≡ 6
Knowlegde (the Planes) † 7 † 6
Knowlegde (Dungeoneering) † 5 † 1
Knowlegde (Arcana) † 8 † 4
Linguistics 2 1
Perception †≡ 13 †≡ 6
Perform 3 0
Profession 2 0
Ride 5 0
Sense Motive † 2 † 0
Sleight of Hand 5 0
Spellcraft 10 6
Stealth ≡ 14 ≡ 6
Survival †≡ 11 †≡; when tracking 146
Swim 2 0
Use Magic Device 3 0


* Many Shot(level 7th) * Mobility (sorc. bloodline 7th) * Favored Defense ?(APG), Deadly Aim?(level 9th) * Improved Precise shot (ranger combat style 10th) * (level 11th) * (level 13th) * Lightning Reflexes (sorc. bloodline 13th)


Movement & Lifting

Walk 30 ft
Light Load 43 lbs
Medium Load 86 lbs
Heavy Load 130 lbs
Lift 130 over head, 260 lift off ground
Drag 650 lbs


Special Abilities





Source Caster Level max. Spell Level DC
Arcane (Sorcerer) 7 (per day 7,6,4) 3 13+
Divine (Ranger) 4 (per day 2 ) 1 12+

Spell list

Sorcerer's known list

0th (7): Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Arcane Mark, Message, Dancing Lights, Light
1th (4+1): Shield, Mage Armor, Web, Shocking Grasp, Entangle
2nd (2+1): Spider Climb, Resist Energy, Hideous Laughter
3rd (1): Fireball

Ranger list

1th (2): Endure Elements, Pass without Trace


Gestalt Items


12 base
16 base, 2 racial, 2 gestalt
12 base, -2 racial
9 base, 1 abs, 2 gestalt
14 base
15 base, 2 racial
7) , 11)
10 base, 5 dex, 1 dodge, 1 deflection
10 base, 4 Mage Armor, 5 dex, 1 dodge, 1 deflection
10 base, 1 deflection
10 base, 4 Mage Armor, 1 deflection
6 bab + 1 strength
10 base + 7 CMB + 5 dex + 1 dodge
6 base + 6 class level