====== Vanity's Kiss ====== Description [wiki] : A clothing artifact that can copy and shift between various sets of clothing Tags [ref]* : ic:artifact Image [image] : -- Artifact qualities Attuned to [ref] : Tiana Calderon Rating : 1 Commitment : 1 Material : Living Bronze This artifact consists of a tank top, hot pants and high heeled sandals all made of a copper-like fabric. Attuning to this artifact costs 1 mote of commitment and allows the wearer to switch between a maximum of five outfits in the artifact's memory, in addition to its original appearance or appearing completely nude (in which case the artifact melds into the character's skin, appearing as a bronze tattoo on the belly.) Switching between the various outfits costs 1 mote of essence and a standard action. Anything that's on the character that is not an artifact, be it dirt, water or an outfit worn over the artifact, is thrown off at the character's feet before the artifact morphs into the desired outfit. To add an outfit to the artifact's memory, the character clothes herself while the artifact is in the nude state. By spending a mote the artifact then absorbs the outfit completely and adds it to its memory. This won't work for armor or artifacts; only outfits without a soak rating or artifact rating are allowed. Every aspect to the character's appearance is memorized including hairstyle, make-up and general cleanness, and will be applied whenever the character switches to that outfit. So the character could be wet and dirty and switch to a perfectly clean state of evening dress, and a camouflage outfit could include the camo paint and everything. As long as it was put into the artifact's memory in that state. Removing an outfit from the artifact's memory is easy. Spend a mote and the artifact will literally throw the original outfit out on the floor, removing it from memory completely. The outfit will show the wear and tear as if it were used frequently over the time it has been in the artifact's memory, even though the artifact itself never showed this when it morphed to the outfit. While the artifact can always be comfortably worn by its attuned owner, its actual weight is always equal to the weight of all the absorbed outfits together, plus its own original weight.