Tiana is from a large family. Her father is Roy Calderon, a somewhat successful country singer of 48. Roy has been married three times and had 5 children of his own. His third wife already had 2 children before they married. Tiana's mother, Roy's second wife, also had a child with another after they divorced. The child was taken away by child services and adopted by Roy's eldest daughter.
Roy Calderon: Tiana's father. Has a healthy father-daughter relation with Tiana. Knows about her Exaltation.
Alecia Montoya: Roy's first wife. Deceased
Nina Calderon-Romero: Roy's second wife. Divorced. Negative, destructive relationship with Tiana.
Estela Calderon-Corona: Roy's third wife. Currently happily married. Cares for all Roy's and her own children in a way. Healthy relation with Tiana and knows about her Exaltation.
Kitty Montoya (30): Tiana's eldest half-sister born from Alecia and Roy. (lesbian in a relationship). Tiana sometimes visits and is good friends with her and her partner.
Keith Montoya (27): Tiana's half-brother born from Alecia and Roy. Also her general/stage manager. They have a healthy relation and he knows of her Exaltation.
Nora Calderon (18): Tiana's younger pure sister. Distant from the family, feels a bit like an underdog thanks to Tiana's fame. Relation with Tiana is strained, but not hateful.
Sabrina Calderon (10): Tiana's half sister from Roy and Estela. Looks up to her famous siblings, wants to become famous too.
Jordan Romero (8): Tiana's young half-brother. He was taken away from Nina by child services and adopted by Kitty Montoya.
Rhoda and Ira Corona (22): Twin sister and brother born from Estela and her former husband. They are both successful actors often casted as twins because they resemble each other a lot. Catalys for Roy and Estela meeting. They get along well with Tiana, and they knew each other even before their parents decided to marry.