====== Notes ====== The place to put out-of-character notes, such as character sheets or proposals. * [[notes:period_resources]] **Character Sheets:** ?character_sheet is a: character_sheet minus { ?character_sheet entry title: Example Character Sheet } minus { ?character_sheet Character [ref]: ?character ?character Tags [ref::ic]: Retired PC } **Social Circles:** * [[Social Circles (Overview)]] ?social_circle is a: social_circle minus { ?social_circle Character [ref]: ?character ?character Tags [ref::ic]: Retired PC } **Plans:** * [[Julia Ashburn's Plans]] * [[Livia Gladstone's Plans]] * [[William Calhoun's Plans]] * [[Samuel Berkeley's Plans]] * [[Romano di Grimani's Plans]] ===== Miscellaneous Notes ===== * [[Character Sheet]] * [[Ranged Weapons]] ===== Names ===== * [[Used Names]] * [[Unused names]]