
Male Brujah associated with the Fourth Reich [ West Berlin, Fourth Reich ]

Brujah Kindred

A musclebound one-eyed male who appears to be in his thirties, Odin is a Boston-born neo-nazi who migrated across the Atlantic to Berlin in 1985, specifically to join the Fourth Reich. A great admirer of Dieter Kotlar, his his ideological dedication to the Aryan cause is strong. Unfortunately, his German remains poor and he responds best to simple instructions.

During his violent rants he frequently expresses his disgust for the events of the 1960s and longs for a better time when humans (and Kindred) knew their place inside a greater order. Though he speaks as if he experienced the 1950s and 1960s during his lifetime, few other Kindred recognise the picture he paints of that time.

He dislikes the more anarch-friendly elements within the movement, most especially Bastian Proll and his ghouls, and there have been inconclusive fights between the two. Their rivalry is kept in check by the fact that while Odin is the stronger of the two, Bastian has superior organisation and resources. There is also ongoing tension between him and Erika Geiger because he refuses to accept her (a female) as a source of authority, only obeying her when he knows that the order comes directly from Dieter.