Berlin by Night

After the fall of the wall... Bleigh!

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Eduard "Ed" Pückler

Drugsdealer in Gropiusstadt [ West Berlin ]


Eduard “Ed” Pückler is a violent, impulsive and somewhat territorial dealer in Gropiusstadt. He is 36 years old and has a tendency to curse a lot.

Robin “Loverboy” Rockford 17 year old, illigitimate son. Handsome womanizer. Not interested in his destiny to follow in his fathers footsteps
The Sergeant Muscular man in old army pants and armoured shirt with a grey coat. Growls a lot. Has an East germen MPi41 Papasha (“pappa” in Russian)
Isaak “The Nose” Knauer“ Short man with dark, beedy eyes, dark hair and a very large nose. Smells very well. Also speaks Jiddish and Hebrew and carries two large knives
ic/eduard_pueckler.1423084466.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/02/04 22:14 by Brend