Berlin by Night

After the fall of the wall... Bleigh!

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Domain of Clan Malkavian in West Berlin

Lies in: West Berlin

Contains: Utterson Inn

Gropiusstadt is a locality (Ortsteil) within the borough (Bezirk) of Neukölln, in the American sector of West Berlin. Bordering the edge of the city proper and mostly featuring dreary high-rises and low-income housing, it is some way from Charlottenburg and the centres of Kindred power. As such, it is claimed as the Domain of Clan Malkavian.

Malkavian meetings are held in seemingly random locations in the district every Wednesday, though other Kindred are welcome to join, if they can find them. Elisabeth-Maria Holstein believes that she has been banished from this area of Berlin.

ic/gropiusstadt.txt · Last modified: 2015/10/25 22:22 by roald