Berlin by Night

After the fall of the wall... Bleigh!

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Eduard "Ed" Pückler

Drugsdealer in Gropiusstadt [ West Berlin ]


Eduard “Ed” Pückler is a violent, impulsive and somewhat territorial dealer in Gropiusstadt. He is 36 years old and has a tendency to curse a lot.


  • Robin “Loverboy” Rockford: 17 year old, illigitimate son. Handsome womanizer. Not interested in his destiny to follow in his fathers footsteps
  • The Sergeant: Muscular man in old army pants and armoured shirt with a grey coat. Growls a lot. Has an East germen MPi41 Papasha (“pappa” in Russian)
  • Isaak “The Nose” Knauer: Short man with dark, beedy eyes, dark hair and a very large nose. Smells very well. Also speaks Jiddish and Hebrew and carries two large knives
ic/eduard_pueckler.1423084650.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/02/04 22:17 by Brend