Berlin by Night

After the fall of the wall... Bleigh!

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Hermann Die Dünne

Hermann Göring Junior, more commonly known as ‘Die Dünne’, is the presumed childe of the Kindred Hermann Göring. ‘Presumed’, because the two never seem to interact, and because there is no way that either of the Princes would have given the senior Göring permission to Embrace. Is there?

Generally more lucid than his “Sire”, he knows that all the other Kindred have sinister hidden motives. Most of his unlife, and the lives of his two ghoul detectives, are dedicated to the rooting out of these conspiracies.

While he has actually uncovered a few plots that turned out to be real, his frequent accusations of treachery (stabbing in the back of comrades) has led to grudges between ‘Die Dünne’ and almost everyone else in the Fourth Reich. Kindred outside of the group tend to stay clear of him and his minions, knowing that nothing good will come of interacting with such persons.

Loyal to the Reich and essentially non-violent, he was nevertheless been beaten up by Dieter Kotlar and Odin when he gave voice to his pessimistic belief that there are two superior races, the Germans and the Jews, adding that the Jews have clearly won. After all, isn’t it Jewish and Marxist Kindred that really control the world?

ic/hermann_die_duenne.txt · Last modified: 2016/08/03 23:19 by roald