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Address: 78 Goethestraße (For the actual building, have a look at Streetview)
This stately triangular corner building counts 5 floors, 6 if the basement is counted as well. Most of the ground floor is sublet to several shops, with the corner shop a small cafe open till the late hours. Beyond the large wooden door of number 78 the entrance to Lippe, the upper class brothel. Immediatel behind the large wooden door is a short wide hallway leading to the center of the ground floor: a foyer with a marble floor and elegantly understated decorations. The foyer features two doors normally hidden behind curtains: one leads to the staff hallway, the other to a simple storage closet.
A large staircase leads up to first floor, which features a cushy reception area where drinks are served, and where the girls, in several states of undress, meet prospective clients. From here, on the opposite side of the building, a spacious stairwell leads up to the second, third and fourth floors. These floors are filled with suites of varying spaciousness. Though all suites are well-appointed, the higher suites are clearly for patrons with a higher-caliber wallet.
Two groups of personnel deserve special note: a few bouncers make sure that the rules of 'good behaviour' as Adala defines them are followed by the patrons. The bouncers themselves are hired muscle, and Adala makes sure that she can handle any of them should it be necessary. The second group are the girls themselves, Lippe employs a number of girls fluctuating between 12 and 20, depending on the season. Seven girls are permanent staff, Adala refers to them as the “Sieben Sukkuben” (Eng.: seven succubi), for their persistence and enthusiasm. Their enthusiasm might have something to do with Alastar sometimes using one of the seven girls as sustenance and veiling this as the boss 'sampling the wares', the Kiss simply leaves them panting or passed out, and they draw their own conclusions.
A smaller, second stair-well connecting all floors including the basement, leads to the ground floor staff hallway which connects to the in-house kitchen (shared with the cafe), storage rooms, Adala's office, and a small room with two beds for staff that stays the night in shifts. The staff hallway also features a staff entrance that allows staff to enter the building from an inconspicuous door on the walkway at the other side of the building.
Known only to Adala, Mei-yin and a few trusted employees (though the employees mostly know that the proprietor of the establishment uses the basement for storage), the basement serves as apartment for Alastar. The basement is furnished as a large suite, with walk-in closet for clothes. Two hidden compartments and a safe allow him to store his rifle, a few oriental antiques, a stash of cash and the occasional blackmail evidence. The basement comes with a strong steel door, lockable from the inside, and features no windows. The basement features its own telephone line, and Alastar has made sure to have phone with a loud ring. The phone number is known to Adala, Mei-yin, and is listed with the brothel's security staff as “nur für Notfälle” (Eng.: for emergencies only).
The building is owned by the “Stiftung zur Förderung eines jugendlichen Blutfluss”, Eng.: Foundation for the promotion of a youthful flow of blood.