Berlin by Night

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Otmar Kieffer

Otmar “Skinny” Kieffer is a self-styled “Arms dealer extraordinaire” [ West Berlin ]


Otmar Kieffer is a thin man in his late twenties better known as Skinny. He sports a neatly trimmed black goattee, and shaves his head regularly. He usually wears a black sweater, with black jeans. Otmar is a self-styled “Arms dealer extraordinaire”. Though he usually simply trades illegally acquired arms from local sources, he can tap into a wide network of contacts in west berlin to acquire any hardware necessary… For a price.

He runs a very small crew, consisting of himself, a driver (his regular driver is Curt Koenig) and some muscle. The muscle is usually paid per job, though he can usually contact at least four of them within the hour. He prefers to arrange deals in the early hours. He arrives with whatever vehicle his driver has arranged, the muscle usually following in a second vehicle.


Skinny has maintained his position in the criminal world by being brutish, and quickly calling quits if things get hot. In 1988, he has learned of the existence of vampires through bad luck: he was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Alastar Mac Caoileann acted to prevent a breach of the masquerade. Realizing the potential use of having an arms and hardware dealer in his Rolodex, Alastar offered the terrified Otmar a choice: Otmar's silence in exchange for his life and a life-long customer. Realizing that he is apparently not the baddest motherfucker on the block, Otmar chose wisely.

ic/otmar_kieffer.1424017424.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/02/15 17:23 by Brend