Berlin by Night

After the fall of the wall... Bleigh!

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Stiftung Wolliges Fledermaus-schutz

Stiftung Wolliges Fledermausschutz

Foundation for the protection and preservation of the Woolly Bat

The Foundation for the Protection and Preservation of the Woolly Bat is a foundation established by Alastar Mac Caoileann after an extremely effective charity drive ran by Elisabeth-Maria Holstein in the Rotary Club Berlin-Süd.

The foundation has a current capital of €10,000,000, which is managed by a committee of three members of the Rotary, including Alastar Mac Caoileann. The current policy is to counter inflation, and work on increasing capital revenue. Elisabeth-Maria has signed off on the by-laws proposed by Alastar, giving him significant influence over the funds and the foundation.

ic/stiftung_wolliges_fledermausschutz.1454022226.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/01/29 00:03 by Brend