Berlin by Night

After the fall of the wall... Bleigh!

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ic:tomas_fiser [2015/11/02 12:22]
aprogas basic description and history
ic:tomas_fiser [2016/03/23 17:20] (current)
Line 5: Line 5:
 Type [ref]        : Kindred Type [ref]        : Kindred
 Clan [ref]        : Tremere Clan [ref]        : Tremere
-Tags [ref]* ​      : West Berlin+Tags [ref]* ​      : West Berlin, Servitores
 Image [image] ​    : tomáš_fiser.png Image [image] ​    : tomáš_fiser.png
 Haven [ref]* ​     : ic:Berlin Chantry Haven [ref]* ​     : ic:Berlin Chantry
Line 12: Line 12:
 </​data>​ </​data>​
-Tomáš is a Tremere Apprentice of the Third Circle as well as an aspiring drug dealer and producer. Depending on the situation he either dresses in a formal black suit with dark green accessoires;​ jeans, a blazer with elbow patches, and a trenchcoat; or Tremere ritual robes.+Tomáš is a Tremere Apprentice of the Third Circle as well as an aspiring drug dealer and producer. Depending on the situation he either dresses in a formal black suit with dark green accessoires;​ jeans, a blazer with elbow patches, and a trenchcoat; or Tremere ritual robes. His apparent age is around 21, but when mortals ask he will pretend to be 32, claiming the secret to his youthful look is to limit exposure to the sun and stay well hydrated.
 He drives a dark green [[wp>​Tatra 613]] and seems to prefer Czech-made products, such as his knives and [[wp>CZ 75]] pistol. He drives a dark green [[wp>​Tatra 613]] and seems to prefer Czech-made products, such as his knives and [[wp>CZ 75]] pistol.
ic/tomas_fiser.1446463348.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/11/02 12:22 by aprogas