Berlin by Night

After the fall of the wall... Bleigh!

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Charity Ball

[ Elisabeth-Maria's Plans ]

  • Date: Monday December 21st (winter solstice)
  • Expect: about 75 people (60 Berlin + 15 outside guests)
  • Find a proper venue
    • More neutral than the palace, but similar style
    • Rooms
      • Ball room
      • Entrance Stairway
      • Private Changing Rooms for those in need
      • Three more private / secluded area's (balcony, garden, side room?)
      • Sitting area
  • Arrange for catering
    • Prepare for enough blood to be served (+- 150 points of blood)
    • Provide blood dolls?
  • Decorations, Flowers and Lighting
    • Prepare and do decorating
      • Flowers
      • Banners
      • Table settings
      • Lighting
      • Clean up garden
    • Get someone less murderous to plants to do flowers
  • Write invitations
    • Everyone in the city
    • Special Guests
      • Archon(s)
      • Mistress Giovanni + Entourage
    • Option: Invite a few guests from other cities?
      • Bordeaux (Giovanni)
      • Hamburg (own history)
      • Vienna (own history + recent visit)
      • Frankfurt (upcoming mission)
      • Ask Prince, Ian Carfax about others
  • Arrange accommodations and food for outsider guests
    • Hotel with special accommodations
    • Princes Palace for Ventrue members?
    • Arrange food for them! (+/- 105 points of blood over a week)
  • Arrange an orchestra that is masquerade friendly1)
  • Motivate people to come and participate
    • Costume Contest
    • Prize to remain unknown?
    • Auction with desirable items
    • Sell tickets so people show up who want to be there?
  • Identify a proper charity
    • Fighting AIDS
  • Find things to auction off
    • Art
    • Arcane / mystical objects
    • Special vintage blood?
    • Boons?
  • Contest Prizes
    • Something unique and memorable, if not valuable
    • Make it a point of pride
  • OOC Event details
    • Masquerade event
pun intended
notes/charity_ball.txt · Last modified: 2016/04/18 11:41 by Mercury