Berlin by Night

After the fall of the wall... Bleigh!

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Elisabeth-Maria's Plans

This is a list of active and future plans as well as todo's for Elisabeth-Maria Holstein.

Story Log

Blood Bank

upload.wikimedia.org_wikipedia_commons_9_99_robert_koch_bew.jpg Blood Bank: Investigate Robert Koch Institute for ghosts again
images.nrc.nl_q7-drlg4apbv9g4vnnmrzlbqxi_1280x_s3_static.nrc.nl_wp-content_uploads_2015_03_anp-11261573-2048x1351.jpg Blood Bank: better feeding

Get old blood from Research Center
Blood Bank: Find a way to help the wraiths haunting Stefan Reich


russiatrek.org_blog_wp-content_uploads_2009_11_seven-wonders-russia-st-basil-cathedral.jpg 7 January - Religious: Pilgrimage

Take a Pilgrimage to Saint Basil's Cathedral in Moscow

1) Find a 2-layer mask for cover
www.womenoffaith.com_wp-content_uploads_2015_02_bible-sunlight.jpg Religious: Shrekt's Bible

Read the book of forbidden knowledge
Religious: Acquire a new crucifix

Find an appropriate crucifix as the last one was lost when the hellgate was closed in Bangkok

1) Find an appropriate crucific
2) Get ownership of it in a moral and legal manner
sheofferedthemchrist.files.wordpress.com_2012_12_73421-homelessjesus.jpg Religious: Help the homeless man

Try to find a way to help the homeless man who attacked me

Personal Development

vtm.min-maxed.com_images_c_c9_daughters_of_cacophony_logo.jpg Personal Development: Learn new Perform skills

Requires Heal up
Learn Perform 5 by getting a highly skilled ballet tutor

1) Contact highly skilled female ballet tutor
2) Convince them to provide lessons
3) Learn to dance en-pointe
4) Take Perform 5

Personal note: [Pas de Chat is verkeerd om], [Derde arm positie is vijfde arm positie], [Degage = Battement tendu jete]
Personal Development: Presence

Practice Presence 3 with Nichole

Keeper Tasks

booksworn.com_wp-content_uploads_2013_03_masqued_ball11.jpg 21 December - Charity Ball

Host a charity event within the Berlin Kindred community
Restore relations between Alastar and the Toreador

Free Elke Katjar while everyone saves face
Alastar Relation

1) Visit the Brothel to discover what is on with that

Activities Plan



Ordered Plans
Stat XP Cost Notes
True Faith 1 10 Requires Divine Mission
Presence 3 10 Requires trainer (Jessica Morrow)
Presence 4 15 Requires trainer (?)
True Faith 2 7 Requires Divine Mission
Presence 5 20 Requires trainer (?)
Secondary Queue
Perform 5 8 Requires trainer, Heal Up
Manipulation 4 12 When there is room
Expression 5 8 When there is room (?training?)
Etiquette 5 8 When there is room (?training?)
When Plot Appropriate
Stat XP Cost Notes
Medicine 3 New knowledge
Occult 4 Level 3
Academics 4 Level 3
Animal Ken 2 Level 2
Craft 6 Level 4
Stat XP Cost Notes
Willpower 5 4 After True Faith 1
Willpower 6 5 After True Faith 2
Willpower 7 6 After True Faith 3
Willpower 8 7 After True Faith 4
Willpower 9 8 After True Faith 5
Other Powers
Stat XP Cost Notes
Auspex 1 10 Requires trainer
Auspex 2 7 Requires trainer
Western Tapestry 1 10 Requires trainer, power approval
Auspex 3 14 Requires trainer
Animalism 1 10 Requires trainer
Animalism 2 7 Requires trainer
notes/elisabeth-maria_plans.1471981317.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/08/23 21:41 by Mercury