Berlin by Night

After the fall of the wall... Bleigh!

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A discipline related to eastern philosophy and the control of chi.

Trainers: Alastar Mac Caoileann, Khaph Khêk, Preecha Klahananong

Blah blah blah. <More fluffy!>

• <Rank 1 Name>

You use your supernatural focus to control your body to appear human, such as breathing normally, having your heart pump blood, etc. Normally you would spend blood on this, but through your focus this is not necessary.

System: You appear as if living with an (Appearance + Occult) roll, difficulty 13 minus your humanity. If your Humanity is 2 or lower, even this power can not make you appear human. If you fail this roll you can still spend the normal amount of blood to appear human (see [Spending Blood Pool](traits.html#spending-blood-pool)). On a Botch you can not spend blood to appear human for the scene.

•• <Rank 2 Name>

You use your meditational focus to gain more sustenance from your vitae. <More fluffy!>

System: Directly at the start of the night, when you spend blood for that night, you may meditate for one hour to make the blood last longer. You make a roll (Stamina + Occult) against difficulty 8. Each success allows (but does not obligate) you to go one additional night without sustenance. For example, if you spend blood for Monday and you roll 2 successes, you do not have to spend blood for Tuesday and Wednesday.

Note that you can only use this power immediately upon spending blood for the night. As such, in the previous example, you would always have to spend blood again on Thursday.

On a failed roll, you do not get any additional nights without sustenance. On a Botch, you must spend an additional point of blood for this night.

••• <Rank 3 Name>

This rank and further ranks still need to be designd. The following description is purely intentional, and a mechanic still needs to be designed.

You use your supernatural focus to control your emotions.

System: Some Check: succes → controls your emotions, countering things like Frenzy, Rotschrek and use of the Presence Discipline against you.

rules/meditate.1442860603.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/21 20:36 by Mercury