Berlin by Night

After the fall of the wall... Bleigh!

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Base functions

function: ROLL:s opposed by OPP:s {  result: ROLL - [highest of 0 and OPP]  }
function: N:n diff D:n {  result: Nd{-1,0:D-2,1:11-D}  }

Automatic marginal successes

Doorrekenen van D diff D:

function: ROLL:s opposed by OPP:s {  result: ROLL - [highest of 0 and OPP]  }
function: N:n diff D:n {  result: Nd{-1,0:D-2,1:11-D}  }

loop D over {2..10} {
  output [D diff D] named "Auto [D]"


Aangepaste mechanic

function: ROLL:s opposed by OPP:s {  result: ROLL - [highest of 0 and OPP]  }
function: N:n diff D:n {  result: Nd{0,0:D-2,1:11-D}  }

\ Noob \
output [3 diff 7] named "Three Die"

\ Alastar \
output [5 diff 7] named "Alastar"

\ EM \
output [9 diff 7] named "Elisabeth-Maria"


Aangepaste mechanic met specialty

function: ROLL:s opposed by OPP:s {  result: ROLL - [highest of 0 and OPP]  }
function: N:n diff D:n {  result: Nd{0,0:D-2,1:11-D}  }
function: N:n diff D:n specialty {  result: Nd{0:100,0:100*(D-2),1:100*(10-D), 1:10,1:10*(D-2),2:10*(10-D), 2,2:D-2,3:11-D}  }

output [5 diff 7] named "Normal"
output [5 diff 7 specialty] named "Specialty"


Speciality dice is implemented by scaling normal faces and adding 'Boom!' faces.

Aangepaste mechanic botches

function: botching N:n diff D:n {
  result: [botched [N botch D]]

function: N:n botch D:n {  result: Nd{-1,0:D-2,1:11-D}  }
function: botched R:s {
  result: ([count {1} in R] = 0) & ([count {-1} in R] > 0)

N: 3
D: 5

output [botching N diff D] named "[N] diff [D], botch"


Outcomes of 1 indicate botch.

user/brend/anydice.txt · Last modified: 2015/07/08 13:58 by Brend