Berlin by Night

After the fall of the wall... Bleigh!

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  • Charisma ●●●●○ (●●●● → 12xp)
  • Manipulation ●●●●● (●●●●● → 16xp)
  • Wits ●●●○○+ (●●● → 8xp, ●●●● → 12xp)
  • Perception ●●●●○ (●●●● → 12xp, ●●●●● → 16xp)
  • Intelligence ●●●●○ (●●●● → 12xp, ●●●●● → 16xp)
  • Dexterity ●●●○○+ (●●● → 8xp, ●●●● → 12xp, ●●●●● → 16xp)


  • Academics ●●○○○ ( → 3xp, ●● → 2xp)
  • Law ●●○○○ ( → 3xp, ●● → 2xp)
  • Politics ●●○○○ ( → 3xp, ●● → 2xp)
  • Science ●●○○○ ( → 3xp, ●● → 2xp)
  • Leadership ●●●○○ ( → 3xp, ●● → 2xp, ●●● → 4xp)
  • Brawl ●●○○○+ (●● → 2xp, ●●● → 4xp, ●●●● → 6xp, ●●●●● → 8xp)
  • Dodge ●●○○○+ (●● → 2xp, ●●● → 4xp, ●●●● → 6xp, ●●●●● → 8xp)
  • Melee ●●○○○+ (●● → 2xp, ●●● → 4xp, ●●●● → 6xp, ●●●●● → 8xp)
  • Medicine ●●○○○ ( → 3xp, ●● → 2xp)
  • Investigation ●●○○○ ( → 3xp, ●● → 2xp)
  • Occult ●●○○○ ( → 3xp, ●● → 2xp)
  • Expression ●●●○○+ (●●● → 4xp, ●●●● → 6xp, ●●●●● → 8xp)
  • Alertness ●●●○○+ (●●● → 4xp, ●●●● → 6xp, ●●●●● → 8xp)
  • Subterfuge ●●●○○+ (●●● → 4xp, ●●●● → 6xp, ●●●●● → 8xp)
  • Finance ●●●●● (●●●●● → 8xp)


  • Herd ●●●○○+: Hopefully recruit from other high-end brothels in Charlottenburg (●●● → 4xp, ●●●● → 6xp)
  • Retainers ●●●○○ (●●● → 4xp, ●●●● → 6xp)
    • Elke Katjar as long term plan: first years as top journalist to influence, then fade into the background and employ her as PR department with great insight into the PR game. Recruitment: first play on ambitions and curiosity, then offer fulfilment of ambitions through backing (and endless youth and superpowers as cherry on top).
  • Resources ●●●●● (●●●●● → 8xp)


The following disciplines are of immediate interest. The list is ordered on desirability of effect, with notes on most desirable powers between parenthesis.

  1. Protean ●●○○○ (●● gives Agg damage)
  2. Dominate ●●○○○ (●● gives behaviour override) (trainer; → 10xp, ●● → 7xp)
  3. Obfuscate ●●○○○ (●● gives movable stealth) (trainer; → 10xp, ●● → 7xp)
  • Celerity + (●● → 5xp, ●●● → 10xp, ●●●● → 15xp)
  • Potence + (●● → 5xp, ●●● → 10xp, ●●●● → 15xp)
  • (Fortitude + (nice vs agg. otherwise take stamina; → 10xp+trainer, ●● → 7xp))

Would be nice but either use utterly annoying abilities, or are really a bit too expensive for what they do:

  • Presence ●●●●○ ( gives Awe, ●●●● gives summon; both on Performance) ( → 10xp, ●● → 5xp, ●●● → 10xp, ●●●● → 15xp)
  • Dominate ●●●○○ (gives memory wipes) ( → 10xp, ●● → 7xp, ●●● → 14xp)
  • Auspex ●●○○○ (cancels out Obfuscate; mostly uses Empathy, ●●●● Telepathy based on Subterfuge though) ( → 10xp, ●● → 7xp)


  • Courage ●●●●● (●●●●● → ?xp)
  • Willpower ●●●●● ●●●● (●●●●● ●●●● → 8xp, ●●●●● ●●●●● → 9xp)
user/brend/interests.txt · Last modified: 2015/08/08 00:43 by Brend