Five Boroughs

Dark nights in the Five Boroughs of the besieged New York City.

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Faction Description Allegiance Type Tag
ADGADGThe “About Da Green”, a gang operating out of the upper east side of HarlemManhattan
AshirraAshirraThe Ashirra the vampire society in the middle-east and north AfricaSect
Bedford Park ChantryBedford Park ChantryThe Bronx chantry of the Tremere, subordinate to the Chantry of the Five BoroughsChantry of the Five Boroughs, Clan TremereChantry, Chantry
BratvaBratvaa collective of various organized crime elements originating in the Soviet UnionManhattan
CamarillaCamarillaThe Camarilla is the vampire society that upholds the traditions and rule of lawSect
Canes BellumCanes BellumTremere chantry focused on warfare against the SabbatChantry of the Five Boroughs, Clan TremereChantry, Chantry
Chantry of the Five BoroughsChantry of the Five BoroughsThe main chantry of the Tremere in New York CityClan TremereChantry
Children of HaqimChildren of HaqimAssassins from the Middle EastIndependentKindred ClanClan
Clan BrujahClan BrujahBrujah often have violently criminal pasts, but they are as likely to be intellectual or socially adeptCamarillaClan
Clan GangrelClan GangrelGangrel rarely rely on subterfuge to get their way. Physical power is common among Gangrel.CamarillaClan
Clan LasombraClan LasombraThe Lasombra are one of the backbone clans of the SabbatSabbatClan
Clan MalkavianClan MalkavianMalkavians come in all shapes and flavours, and most of them are madCamarillaClan
Clan NosferatuClan NosferatuNosferatu are often loners, outsiders or driftersCamarillaClan
Clan ToreadorClan ToreadorToreador are socialite lovers of all the artsCamarillaClan
Clan TremereClan TremereTremere are knowledgeable warlocks and witches who dabble in the arcaneCamarillaClan
Clan TzimisceClan TzimisceThe Tzimisce are skilled fleshcrafters, and staunch supporters of the SabbatSabbatClan
Clan VentrueClan VentrueVentrue are the upper class leaders of the CamarillaCamarillaClan
Court of the PrinceCourt of the PrinceThe court of the Prince of New York City
CrimiclownsCrimiclownsThe militant branch of Clan Malkavian in New York CityClan Malkavian
East Side PunksEast Side PunksBrujah that express their individualism and anti-conformity through fashion and violenceClan Brujah
Fell HallFell HallThe Brooklyn chantry of Tremere, subordinate to the Chantry of the Five BoroughsChantry of the Five Boroughs, Clan TremereChantry, Chantry
Financiers ClubFinanciers ClubThe Financiers Club is a group of Ventrue that bankroll business venturesClan Ventrue
Followers of SetFollowers of SetFollowers of Set follow the ideas and teachings of SetIndependentClan
Giovanni FamilyGiovanni FamilyMembers of the Italian Giovanni family who have been turnedIndependentClan
Hell's OwnHell's OwnBrujah biker gang originally based out of Hell's KitchenClan Brujah
Hudson FreemenHudson FreemenA group of people working tirelessly to end slavery in any formClan Brujah
MHBMHBThe “Make it Happen Boys”, a gang operating out of upper ManhattenManhattan
Ordo NoxOrdo NoxA sabbat pack operating out of Jersey CitySabbat
Primogen CouncilPrimogen CouncilThe primogen council of New York CityCourt of the Prince
Queen's ChantryQueen's ChantryThe Queens chantry of the Tremere, subordinate to the Chantry of the Five BoroughsChantry of the Five Boroughs, Clan TremereChantry, Chantry
SabbatSabbatThe Sabbat is a collaboration of clans and kindred that seek to overthrow the rule of the eldersSect
School of American BalletSchool of American BalletThe official school of the New York City Ballet
SOCSOCStrength Of Character, a gang operating out of Harlem.Manhattan
The AssociatesThe AssociatesThe Associates are a loosely organized group of Ventrue operating in the legal and financial sectorClan Ventrue
The Golden AspThe Golden AspA high-class strip club in Harlem that serves the discerning customerFollowers of Set
TravellersTravellersItinerant purveyors of information, “acquired” goods and changes in perspectiveIndependentClan
White DragonsWhite DragonsA chinese triad operating in New York City, based in Chinatown, Manhattan
ic/factions.1476046329.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/10/09 22:52 by Brend