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This page is about the position of seneschal, the current seneschal is David Hillhouse.

Generally, a Seneschal is an influential vampire who is empowered by a Prince to act on his or her behalf on all matters except as they pertain directly to other influencial Kindred (such as Clan Elders or vampires with great standing, where the Prince must act directly). At any time, he may be asked to step into the prince's place if he/she leaves town on business, abdicates, or is slain. All actions taken by a Seneschal may be revoked by the Prince.

The amount of power given to a Seneschal varies from Prince to Prince. Some Princes might purposefully select weak, easily manipulable Seneschals. Others might select someone strong whom they wish to “keep closer” as the saying goes about friends and enemies.

ic/seneschal.txt · Last modified: 2016/11/28 01:13 by Brend