Five Boroughs

Dark nights in the Five Boroughs of the besieged New York City.

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Person (template)

This is the template for people.


Image [image::300] » ic:default-person.png

Description[wiki] With tags[ tags ]

With domitor

Domitor: domitor

With herd of

Herd of: herd of

With haven

Haven: haven

With trains


→fields » exclude image, tags, haven, description, clan, allegiance, type, character sheet, trains, bloodline, sire, domitor, herd of

Without descriptionWithout a description, this person will not be listed in the index.

With clan With bloodlineWith type


With sireSire: sire@unique With childer(Childer: childer@unique)


Ghouls: ghouls

template/person.txt · Last modified: 2017/09/18 17:33 by Brend