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Brides of Ahlat

[ Locaties & Groepen ]

Brides of Ahlat (faction)
Descriptionmartial society of warrior women from Harborhead
Population15 000
Power CenterAhlat

The Brides of Ahlat are a martial society of warrior women from Harborhead. Each is “married” to the Southern war god Ahlat, which neatly gets around the Immaculate Philosophy and it's limitation on direct worship of the gods. Brides serve until they are approximately 30 years old, and are sworn to remain virgins (though they may have relationships within their own ranks).

There are approximately 15,000 brides and they count as Elite troops armed with spears, shields and javelins.

Notable Members

The following list contains notable members of the Brides of Ahlat:

ic/brides_of_ahlat.txt · Last modified: 2014/04/21 19:33 (external edit)