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Gem of the Coming Spring

[ Panoply, Demesnes & Manses ]

Gem of the Coming Spring (hearthstone)
DescriptionIncreases attractiveness of wearer
ManseSeraglio Manse

This Solar hearthstone is an emerald green oval. It's possessor appears sexually attractive to any being that can see her, even if the being's sexual orientation is not compatible with her gender. It's possessor invokes mild feelings of sexual arrousal in others, even other Exalted. In addition, the gem adds two dots to the wearer’s Appearance, raising it to a maximum of 6.

The first effect of this hearthstone is not meant as a powerful unnatural mental influence, but rather like a nudge in a specific direction. Affected beings do not forget their original preferences. This might lead to confusion sooner or later, depending on circumstances. Obviously, this hearthstone does not necessarily lead to an intimate encounter.

ic/gem_of_the_coming_spring.txt · Last modified: 2015/03/31 20:32 by Brend