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The Lap

[ Locaties & Groepen ]

The Lap (location, country, faction)
DescriptionThe Lap is a city-state at the northern coast of the south
StyleCity state
Population~1 000 0000
Power CenterRealm

The Lap gets its name from its unique location: The mountain was long ago carved into the shape of a meditating hermit sitting in a cross-legged posture. Much of the city nestles into the “lap” of the mountain, though some outlying houses spill out across the broad legs. Many of the structures consist of interlocked adobe buildings. Along with Gem, The Lap is one of the twin powers of the Southwest and often trades its excess grains, maize and squash in return for the riches of Gem. The two cities are connected by a well-traveled trade route known as the “Diamond Road”

Notable Members

The following list contains notable members of the The Lap:

ic/the_lap.txt · Last modified: 2014/04/21 19:33 (external edit)