Out of Character space Xandra
Korte termijn plannen
Eigen Plane
Dochters van Astarte
Wardrobe and Appearance
Xandra normally wears long casual dresses when she travels with her party. The dresses leave her ankles and forearms visible. Most of her dresses are high quality silk dresses in bright colors. She usually wears the bright colors like white, orange and red while Yasmina wears the darker shades. One of her more ceremonial dresses is dark red and contains silver decorations that match the color of her eyes. All her current dresses have a open back to make sure her succubus wings are not hindered, furthermore the bottom of the dresses are spacious enough to hide her succubus tail.
Most of Xandra's dresses have only 1 thin layer of cloth. Due to the warm climate on Ilfrean this is usually enough. When Xandra is out traveling with her party on other planes she wears one layer of undergarments as well.
In private situation Xandra wears more exotic dresses, for Wendele these dresses would be seen as bad undergarments since they only cover some parts of the body.
Divine appearance changes
(lvl 9) divine agent 3 godly gift: (geen verteringsstelsel) speeksel van slijm
(lvl 10) divine agent 4 altered Appearance: hoektanden + staart
(lvl 10) bloodline: Succubus Wings (60ft good)
(lvl 14) divine agent 8 Alignment Shift: haarkleur (zilveren gloed)
(lvl 15)divine agent 9 Mystic Union: bloed van slijm
(lvl 20) bloodline: Hexabus Wings(90ft good)
Algemene plan
Persoonlijke doelen
Eigen plane rulen
Basis populatie die zelfvoorzienend zijn op eigen plane onder controle van Xandra. (paar duizend lui (vooral natives) verspreid over dorpjes)
Economie op eigen plane die construction points oplevert.
Tempels voor Beliria en religie verspreiden op de plane.
Andere religies verwijderen van de plane.
Legioenen kunnen projecteren naar andere planes.
Portal naar eigen portal hub die dan aangesloten kan worden op een stad die bij Union kan voor interplainaire handel.
Kinderen met Sunira en Yasmina zonder dat Sunira en Yasmina daarvoor uit de running moeten. (bevruchtingsritueel en zwangerschap versnellingsritueel)
Steun van Ilfrean en de fey om eigen plane te herstellen