The Nitaru and the Kotaru are a set of blades made material from the fire within Shunsin Hattori. Harnassing the power of his inner devil Shunsin brings forth two swords at times of his choosing. When they are summoned his the red taint in his eyes flares up.
Made from elemental hellfire the blades appear and disappear at will, bypassing notice or detection. One of their more notable properties is mercy, granting death exactly to those intended.
The power to summon the blades resides within Shunsin, but is learned and taught by communicating with the devil who originally granted the sorcery power to his family generations ago.
The summoning of the blades works like the Mind Blade ability of the Soulknife Psionics class, allowing summoning as a move action.
Property | Costs |
Shortsword | 10 |
Masterwork weapon | 300 |
Merciful. | 6000 1) |
From fire | 2000 |
Sum | 8310 |
Sumx2 | 16620 |