The Meruvian Dream

Modern campaign of three Solars and a Lunar discovering the truth.

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This namespace contains the used rules for the Meruvian Dream campaign.

Character Creation

  • XP based character creation (see XP Based Character Creation for Solar/Lunar Guidelines)
    • XP pool: 450xp
    • No artifacts unless you have a very good reason
  • You start with free dots (these dots count as actual bought dots for all intents and purposes, but are completely free):
    • Lore 2
    • Linguistics 1
    • Medicine 1

XP Costs

Character Story

Please draft a short background story containing at least the following elements:

  • Early life (parents, education, optional training or jobs, etc.)
  • Exaltation (when, where, how, why, etc.)
  • Family/Relations ( married/partner/boy-/girlfriend, children, parents, siblings, etc.)
  • Contacts (work related, social contacts, etc.)
  • Preferences with regard to Solar/Lunar mate
  • [if you were not born with Meruvian nationality] How you got your citizenship

Note that “don't know” and “don't care” are both valid states for most parts of character story.

Change to the Core System

Source Material

  • We use Exalted Second Edition with 2.5 errata
  • The Shards of the Exalted Dream, p130 and further, as base for rules changes to switch to a modern setting


  • Old Realm: Extremely obscure, actively suppressed by the Immaculate Church
  • High Realm: The language of Meruvia, and lingua franca of the civilized world (compare American English)
  • Tengese: The language of An-Teng, and the second lingua france of the civilized world (compare Mandarin)
  • Low Realm: dead language, sometimes used as slang and on the street (compare Latin thought for the plebs)
  • Directional languages are still practiced, though Meruvia speaks High Realm exclusively
  • Guild Cant is dead and unpracticed
  • Riverspeak is still used by some groups, mostly nomads

Lunar House Rules

  • The training time of Knacks is equal to that of Charms

Altered Backgrounds

rules/start.txt · Last modified: 2017/12/03 16:42 by Brend