The Meruvian Dream

Modern campaign of three Solars and a Lunar discovering the truth.

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Location (template)

This is the template for locations.


Image [image::300] » ic:default-location.png

Description With tags[ tags ]

→fields » exclude image, tags, in, description, aspect, rating, hearthstone, attuned to, faction emblem, allegiance

With InLies in: In

Conditional relation displays


Contains: loc


Residence of: person

Magical Location

magical location

With aspectaspect kind_title Without ratinginformationWith rating rating[dot::t5]

With hearthstone

Hearthstone: hearthstone

With attuned_to

Attuned to attuned_to

Faction multiplexing

location information header

Location information

faction information

Faction information

self[imagelink::64::ic:default-faction.png::Faction Emblem] With AllegianceAllegiance to: Allegiance

template/location.txt · Last modified: 2017/05/25 00:46 by Brend