The Meruvian Dream

Modern campaign of three Solars and a Lunar discovering the truth.

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WARNING: Spoileriffic This page holds my character's true background and is mainly for ST eyes only. I personally find much more joy in finding out other players' dark secrets through roleplaying, but I guess I will not stop you from reading this. Still with me? Well then, here we go.

Early life

Alicia was born as the youngest child of three in a poor, dysfunctional family in a slum in An Teng. Her father was abusive during her childhood, her mother too weak to resist him. Both parents are still alive, but she doesn't have any contact with them anymore. She left home when she was 13 (right after her brother Huang walked away from home) to live with one of her 'friends', who was in one of the local gangs. He turns out to be abusive. The next few years were spent in and out of jail. Finally, Alicia was given a last chance by detective Dan Lee, who for som reason had always been looking out for her. He gave her an opportunity to escape her current life and work as a bodyguard for a Meruvian security company.

Exaltation (when, where, how, why, etc.)

After going 'legit', part of the gang Alicia was in turned on her, trying to finish her off. It was her abusive boyfriend who was going to deal the final blow. Instead: exaltation! Long story short: asses got kicked, the boyfriend got killed and his heart's blood got eaten. The only reason she got away is because of her ability to change into him.

Family/Relations ( married/partner/boy-/girlfriend, children, parents, siblings, etc.)

Parents are alive, but she does not care for them.

Her big sister (Shi Ji) is probably still at home.

Her big brother (Shi Huang) ran away 'to have a better future'.

Previous boyfriend was killed by her (and his heart's blood eaten).

A detective named Dan Lee, the one who gave her a job at McConnall Specialties. (Allies 2)

She also has built up some credit at McConnall Specialties itself and had the occasional small talk with other bodyguards. (Contacts 1)

Adrian Vanderbergh, Alicia's superior at McConnall Specialties. Alicia doesn't care too much for him, but does respect him as a colleague.

Preferences with regard to Solar/Lunar mate

Apart from 'not inside the group': don't know, don't care :)

user/edwin/background_with_spoilers.txt · Last modified: 2014/02/23 17:10 by edwin