Victorian Society

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William Calhoun's Plans

This is a list of active and future plans as well as todo's for William Calhoun


  1. Marry Lady Eleanor
  2. Become Senectus


Find a suitable house, preferably big and in the inner city to own. An estate on the side in the country can be a must after this has been established.

Interview Mr. Johnson further about his goals and aspirations and see if he would be interested to act as my agent

  • find him a suitable (partime) position at a respectable colleges in order to advance his research and access to man-/mind-power; I've asked Sir Berkely to lend a hand, given his usefull contacts within the relevant circles.
  • Decide upon Ghouling him: Yes, once investors business is settled
  • Player choices: Favoured ability and two Attributes to receive +1. This player choice is based on information that I do not yet have, but will most likely be: Favored Ability Stewardship (if ≥3 then Expression), Increased Attributes: Intelligence (if ≥3 then Appearance), Wits

Make arrangements and attend events so that suitable contacts can be found or established, to serve as a credible source of information.

  • Learn Forensics (Investigation specialty)

Improve upon conflict resolution skills.

  • Buy officers commission
  • Learn Fortitude 1
  • Learn Tough Skin
  • Improve Stamina 3 and learn Hardened Skin

Find a suitable match to wed

  • Consult Lady Sitas on how to proceed from here and ask her if she would willing to find out if Lady Eleanor is interested, ask further questions when needed
  • Use granted favor from the Primogen for an introduction to Lady Eleanor's father(Sire)
  • The request was made: Await invitation or other instructions from the Primogen
  • Continue to court Lady Eleanor
    • Take her to the Edward the Confessor ball
    • Take her to the Masked ball
    • Write (4S) and present a poetic declaration of affection

Set up partners and firms to secure a share in the English (and Dutch) ever increasing Colonial Trade to the East and West Indies. Acquire shares in trading companies, shipwrights etc. in London and Gibraltar. Subsequently expand interests east to Malta, Suez(1869) and the gulf of Aden into Persia and India; and south to the British Goldcoast(1867) into the Cape of Good Hope.

Stage 1

  • Write up a business plan, (3S)
  • Secure investors willing to back my plans
  • Set up base of Operations in London, see WJAC Shipping Ltd
  • Secure trade contacts in Constantinople and Egypt
    • target: seek partnership with or acquire companies with bills of trade
    • target goods: Historic art and antiquities, Arabic Silk
  • Secure docking rights in Gibraltar and Malta

Stage 2

  • Expand base of Operations with shipwright
  • Design and building own ships (ask Samuel Berkeley)
  • Secure capable crews and trusted captains
  • Set up base of Operation in Port Said
  • Secure docking rights in Marseille, Barcalona, Bordeaux, and Lisbon or Porto.
  • Secure trade contacts in the Gulf of Aden, Persia and India
    • target goods: Arabic Silk, Spices and Horses


  • Learn See the Real World (7 xp, ? day) - Arranged for with mrs. Cressingham in exchange for a future favor
  • Train Stewardship ●●●○○ (3xp, 3 days)
  • Train Academics ●●○○○ (1xp, 2 days)
  • Train Academics (History) Specialty in the Stuart Period ●○○○○ (2xp, 1 day, needs trainer)
  • Stamina + Strength ●●●○○ (8xp + 8xp)
  • Train Herd ●●●○○ (4xp, requires effort)
  • Train Linguistic ●●●○○ (4xp, 3 days)
notes/william_calhoun_s_plans.txt · Last modified: 2017/07/25 18:06 by gerben