Victorian Society

Vampires explore the gothic supernatural world of Victorian London. With style.

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Character Creation

  • All characters must be members of Clan Angliae, and therefore should be able to function reasonably well in upper class Victorian society
    • The favoured abilities of Clan Angliae are Etiquette and Academics
  • The Ride, Engineering and Stewardship abilities replace the Drive, Computer and Finance ability for obvious reasons
  • The Wealth background replaces the Resources background - note that you do not get a free house with the background, but rather the ability to maintain one. Houses, Mansions, Estates, Palaces, etc can be acquired separately IC. These do not cost additional XP.
  • All characters must have a Class Merits (some are free)
  • Characters who aren't Caucasian should check the Exotic Merit which depending on their character may be optional or mandatory
  • All PCs are either Fledgelings or recent arrivals in London with no significant influence or power. As such, players start without backgrounds. If you must have a background for your character concept, please contact the storyteller to see what can be done. Don't worry: backgrounds will be available during play
  • Be mindful that your character's gender will have a relevant influence on the game.
  • Certain unique details beyond the scope of the rules are allowed, but please talk to the Storyteller about it first.
  • The clan will provide some basic income, as well as a place to live which is decent for its members.
rules/start.txt · Last modified: 2017/03/27 23:16 by Brend