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Catai Aktienhandel und Finanzdienstleistungen

Address: 48 Bleibtreustraße, first floor

The metal name plague next to the door of number 48 on the Bleibtreustraße simply states:

Catai Aktienhandel und Finanzdienstleistungen
Öffnungszeiten Montag-Freitag:
00:00-04:30 und 06:30-09:00 (nur auf Verabredung)

Catai stock trading and financial services
Open monday-friday:
00:00-04:30 and 06:30-09:00 (by appointment only)

The front door opens to a simple but spacious hallway featuring a counter-clockwise curved stairway up to the first floor. Here, the stairs connect to a reception area featuring two sets of double doors, the secretary's desk, a coat rack, and a couch for waiting clients. A separate table features two fax machines and an extra telephone.

The front door of the business is usually locked. Due to the trading hours of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the office maintains nocturnal opening hours. During these hours the secretary, Michelle Lau, will greet clients with an appointment, answer calls and handle paperwork and message taking.


The first set of double doors, accessible by walking a straight line from the stairway, leads to the main office. The main office is a large well-appointed office styled like an executive's office. The office contains several filing cabinets, a large wooden desk with leather office chair, and a few low cabinets. Several oriental decorations can be found placed on the cabinets, and a scroll with some chinese symbols hangs from the wall. A set of couches in the other corner of the office features a coffee table in which an expensive looking stone sculpture is placed. The office features two more doors: one door leads to the antechamber, the other leads to the bedroom.


Layout fo 48 Bleibtreustraße The second set of double doors from the reception leads to the antechamber as well. The antechamber is set up as part waiting area, part library. The room features several pieces of oriental antiques, mostly themed around early Chinese, or Hong Kong related imagery. Two bookcases feature a collection of books in German, English and Cantonese; mostly on the topic of ancient China, but several books relate to the financial markets, and the history of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. A distinct surprise is waiting for those truly digging into the books, as several volumes seem to be out of theme and feature early Chinese philosophy, and a few volumes are in latin. A few display cases contain fragments of scrolls with Chinese characters on them, they seem to have little special features beside appearing to be very old. Next to the double doors from the reception, the antechamber features a door leading directly to the office.


The large bedroom, connected to the office only, has it's windows neatly boarded up. It features a two-person bed, and a few cabinets for clothing containing some casual clothes for both men and women, as well as one of Alastar's suits and two sets of dresses for Mei-yin should a sudden social engagement pop up. The door has two bolt locks that allow it to be closed from the inside. Though it is possible to sleep through the day here, it is not really advisable for long-term use.

ic/catai_aktienhandel_und_finanzdienstleistungen.1431725570.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/05/15 23:32 by Brend