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Great Pass

[ Locaties & Groepen ]

Great Pass (location, poi)
DescriptionMountain pass from the Igani to the Sayati
Power CenterIgani, Sayati

This mountain pass cuts through the mountain range seperating the deep desert from the coastal regions of the South. The pass functions as a tollway for both the Sayati and the Igani due to the Deep Desert Road using this pass.

The pass itself is wide enough to comfortably fit an army marching 20 people wide. Both the Sayati and the Igani side of the pass are heavily fortified. The Igani side features three fortresses, each featuring catapults, barbicans and volatile retreat paths that allow soldiers to flee the fortress if a retreat is called for. The Sayati side mirrors the Igani side, with both defensive positions facing each other.

The brother of Sultan Selim al-Najib commands the Igani fortifications.

ic/pass.txt · Last modified: 2014/04/21 19:33 (external edit)