Berlin by Night

After the fall of the wall... Bleigh!

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Alastar Mac Caoileann

Ex-IRA stock broker and small business owner [ West Berlin ]

Haven: Lippe

Celerity Dominate Meditate Obfuscate Potence Protean Serpentis Brujah Kindred

Alastar normally wears an impeccable suit and carries himself with an air of wealth and authority. He drives a red Porsche 944s2. He is the owner of Lippe, and can be found in the office of his financal firm Catai Aktienhandel und Finanzdienstleistungen if he has no other matters to attend. He also owns apartment 14 at 69 Goethestraße, to be used as a haven by Elisabeth-Maria Holstein.

Alastar has learned the tenets of the Dance of the Thrashing Dragon from Preecha Klahananong, and tries to adhere to them. This effort has met with mixed results.

He maintains 2 ghouls: Adala Wollschlaeger, Lau Mei-yin

ic/alastar_mac_caoileann.1443715094.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/10/01 17:58 by Brend