Table of Contents


Descriptions of people, places and organisations of the world.


See also the extensive People list.

Person Description
Lady Adelina di GallarateLady Adelina di GallarateBlooddoll of Elisabeth-Maria who does a lot of charity work
Lady Aisling SturbridgeLady Aisling SturbridgeHigh Regent of the Chantry of the Five Boroughs, and Primogen of the Tremere
Alfonso Madolfo CogginsAlfonso Madolfo CogginsApprentice at the Chantry of the Five Boroughs proper
Alice "Chocolat" BlackAlice "Chocolat" BlackMember of the Hudson Freemen and Harpy in Manhattan, traditional organizer of the Upper Elysium
AmeniaAmeniaKeeper of Elysium in Luxor
Lord Andres LecompteLord Andres LecompteLord Councillor of Banu Duval in Cairo
Sir BlakeleySir BlakeleyA British gentleman living in Abu Simbel
Aruna AdhikariAruna AdhikariTravellers visiting New York City to visit his kine family
Aurora KoskinenAurora KoskinenGangrel shapeshifter and urban tracker, deputy scourge
Avedis TiborAvedis TiborBishop of the Sabbat, currently in Jersey City
Ayub of SudanAyub of SudanPrince of Abu Simbel
Aziz al-HazimiAziz al-HazimiAssamite contractor based in New York City
Beatrice ArcuriBeatrice ArcuriEnforcer working directly for the prince
Ben SharpBen SharpFormer escaped slave, Brujah primogen
Benjamin WhiteheadBenjamin WhiteheadMalkavian that acts suspiciously sane, Deputy Sheriff of Manhattan
Bianca "Reaper" GiovanniBianca "Reaper" GiovanniGiovanni necromancer, active participant in Camarilla social life
Borislav SeleznyovBorislav SeleznyovRussian ballet dancer that escaped to New York in the '60s
Brage LarsonBrage LarsonEnforcer working directly for the prince
Brooke Van CleefBrooke Van CleefYoung woman that always dresses with understated elegance
Carlo SavioCarlo SavioToreador that has elevated gun-fights to an art, deputy scourge
Carol M. MeadowsCarol M. MeadowsInfluential Harpy in Manhattan
Charlotte Pinon de QuincyCharlotte Pinon de QuincyBlooddoll of Elisabeth-Maria who dropped out of Art School
Christine MetzChristine MetzPrimogen of the Toreador
Cierra EnestineCierra EnestineFemale billionaire of uncertain origin
Collin "Check" CadenaCollin "Check" CadenaMember of Hell's Own
David ChambersDavid ChambersSheriff of New York City, personally handles cases involving Wall Street or the United Nations
David HillhouseDavid HillhouseSeneschal of New York City
Djamila al-QayimaDjamila al-QayimaPrincess of Sharm el Sheik
DunstanDunstanMad scientist mentor of Isaac Franklin
Dwayne "DMZ" ThompsonDwayne "DMZ" ThompsonAn ex-gang member with a tangent for history
Eddie "Wrench" WallaceEddie "Wrench" WallaceQuartermaster of the Hell's Own manhattan chapter
Elijah HershelElijah HershelCigar-smoking businessman in Tel Aviv, works with Levi Wise
Elijah OrsonElijah OrsonAn ironworker by trade, owner of Orson Ironworks in The Bronx
Elisabeth-Maria HolsteinElisabeth-Maria HolsteinVery attractive socialite
Lady Elizabeth MinnocksLady Elizabeth MinnocksRegent of Queen's Chantry
Emily PrestonEmily PrestonPersonal assistant of Elisabeth-Maria Holstein
EurusEurusRumoured to hail from ancient Greece, Primogen of the Nosferatu
Evgeni GrigoriyEvgeni GrigoriyYoung man who attends the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of Our Lord
Ezekiel JonesEzekiel JonesOwner of Eze's Coffee and landlord of Dwayne "DMZ" Thompson
Fabiano LuccheseFabiano LuccheseBoss of the Lucchese crime family
Five EmsFive EmsTactical Disambiguation officer of the Crimiclowns
Lady Francine LecompteLady Francine LecompteThe wife of the Lord Councillor of Banu Duval in Cairo
Gabbriella di FirenziGabbriella di FirenziSire of Markus Chemnitz
Gabriella LuccheseGabriella LuccheseDaughter of Fabiano Lucchese
Gabrielle von DegenfeldGabrielle von DegenfeldBlooddoll of Elisabeth-Maria who works at a publishing company
Gaston LebrunGaston LebrunFrench immigrant and Regent of Fell Hall
Giancarlo "Don Carlo" GiovanniGiancarlo "Don Carlo" GiovanniDon Carlo has strong ties to the Genovese family of the Cosa Nostra
Gregorio PacettiGregorio PacettiCapo of Fabiano Lucchese & major contatct of Lindsey Barnes
Grímlaugur "Grim" HjálmarsonGrímlaugur "Grim" HjálmarsonPrince of Reykjavik in exile, captain of the Hell's Own manhattan chapter
Hala al-NasiraHala al-NasiraWife of Keeper of Elysium Tayyib Masur
Harper PooleHarper PooleAcquintance of Kevin White from his living days
Hes-raHes-raEnforcer of The Golden Asp, Hes-ra is the twin of Khensa
Hong "Boss Hong" LiweiHong "Boss Hong" LiweiBoss of the White Dragons triad based in Chinatown
IacomoIacomoHuman Resources officer of the Crimiclowns
Imogen WyattImogen WyattNosferatu infiltrator and seductress
Isaac FranklinIsaac FranklinA permanent student willing to share his insights
Isabella EndrizziIsabella EndrizziA kindred from the Lasombra bloodline living in Queens, by her own admission not involved in the Sabbat-Camarilla
Jabbar of AlexandriaJabbar of AlexandriaA fixer working for wealthy clients, often those that want discretion and results
Jack WallaceJack WallaceGhoul for Lindsey Barnes and general manager of Manhattan Automobile Maintenance
Jacqueline CallowayJacqueline CallowaySavvy businesswoman and primogen for the Ventrue
Jacqueline EslingerJacqueline EslingerFormer ballet dancer, currently employed as overqualified exotic dancer
Jameela ahl ar-RayaJameela ahl ar-RayaOne of the philosophers living in Cairo
James de WitteJames de WitteBaron of Brooklyn
Jay SwiftJay SwiftRespected inhabitant of Central Park and gangrel primogen of New York City
Reverend JonahReverend JonahReverend Jonah is the priest of the Crossroads Sanctuary
Joseph DeckerJoseph DeckerPersonal guard of the High Regent of the Chantry of the Five Boroughs
Joseph HicksJoseph HicksAn influential member of the Sabbat and the leader of the Ordo Nox pack
Julia EsperJulia EsperChamberlain of Michaella, in charge of the household and management of the household staff
Katrina EdmonsonKatrina EdmonsonThe proprietor of the Rooftop Club, and supernatural fixer
Kenneth S. ForbesKenneth S. ForbesStylish gentleman of means
Kent "Jack of Hearts" GarveyKent "Jack of Hearts" GarveyMember of Hell's Own
Kevin WhiteKevin WhiteHacker and con-man
KhensaKhensaEnforcer of The Golden Asp, Khensa is the twin of Hes-ra
Kimberly ParsonKimberly ParsonBlooddoll of Elisabeth-Maria who works as a fashion model
Reverend Konstantín LeshchyovReverend Konstantín LeshchyovReverend Konstantín Leshchyov is the priest of the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of Our Lord
Leo "Cravat" TheraponLeo "Cravat" TheraponPublic Relations officer of the Crimiclowns
Levi WiseLevi WisePolitically active real-estate magnate
Linda KetnerLinda KetnerBag lady that shuffles around in Central Park, is knowledgable about the park and all its inhabitants
Lindsey BarnesLindsey BarnesA motorcycle riding mechanic with a thing for equality
Lucrezia GiovanniLucrezia GiovanniAttractive diplomat of the Giovanni Family
Lydia de WitteLydia de WitteWife of James de Witte
Madison ReadMadison ReadSocialite with many “friends” in powerful and influential business positions
Malfalda FioreMalfalda FioreArch-bishop of the Sabbat, operating out of Jersey City
Lady Malory von KraneLady Malory von KraneBlooddoll of Elisabeth-Maria who is in New York to see the world
Markus ChemnitzMarkus ChemnitzFormer Spy
Markus GottschalkMarkus GottschalkExcessively wealthy man of German lineage
Matthew "Mat" HillMatthew "Mat" HillFormer gang member who's always looking ahead.
Melchi-ReshaMelchi-ReshaDemon who possessed Elisabeth-Maria Holstein
Melynda GrissomMelynda GrissomRegent of Canes Bellum and Scourge of New York City
MenkheperreMenkheperreThe Prince of Luxor
MertiMertiConsort of Menkheperre, princess of Luxor
MichaellaMichaellaPrince of New York City
MorrocoMorrocoA popular night-club dancer with a large pet snake
Mukhtar BeyMukhtar BeyPrince of Cairo
Nathalie SylvaineNathalie SylvaineAssamite hunter that socializes with both Camarilla and Sabbat
NehbetNehbetOwner and manager of The Golden Asp, Nehbet is a woman of middle-eastern origin
Nicholas DejesusNicholas DejesusToreador Harpy of Manhattan and traditional organiser of the Lower Elysium
Nicolette DaumierNicolette DaumierSelf-confident socialite that does not believe in Clan or Sect divisions, the Keeper of Elysium
Oxana VasilevaOxana VasilevaOld lady who attends the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of Our Lord
Patricia mcNeelPatricia mcNeelGhoul for Isaac Franklin
Penny Leonora GarfieldPenny Leonora GarfieldApprentice living in Fell Hall, very interested in fire-related magic
Peter IngolfPeter IngolfHigh-ranking member of the Camarilla
Peter KohlerPeter KohlerNosferatu known for his exquisite singing voice
Petrus "Moleman" McCormackPetrus "Moleman" McCormackA humpbacked information broker operating out of a underground lair below the 50St subway station
Polishchuk YevgeniyPolishchuk YevgeniyFormer KGB Agent
Preecha "pancake" KlahananongPreecha "pancake" KlahananongPreecha “Ka” Klahananong is a Golden Courts Mandarin
Rachel DannelRachel DannelAcquintance of Kevin White from his living days
RastusRastusGraffiti artist active in Brooklyn
Ravenna WatkinsRavenna WatkinsApprentice at the Chantry of the Five Boroughs, and Harpy in Manhattan
Richard "Priest" BackusRichard "Priest" BackusEast side-based Brujah, known in some circles as the “Priest of Rock”
Robert OsorioRobert OsorioEnforcer working directly for the prince
Roxie CarrollRoxie CarrollEast side-based Brujah espousing the causes of sexual and racial equality (with violence)
Rúna GrímlaugursdóttirRúna GrímlaugursdóttirSole female member of the Hell's Own Manhattan chapter
Ryan HaydonRyan HaydonSelf-described “international stock broker extraordinaire”
Samuel "Schooler" SchuylerSamuel "Schooler" SchuylerTremere apprentice blending martial arts and thaumaturgy
Sandra GonzalezSandra GonzalezToreador painter living in SoHo, well-known in the kine art world
SenepsetSenepsetA friend of Nehbet, and supporter of serpentine animals
SitamunSitamunConsort of Menkheperre, princess of Luxor
Sophia BellSophia BellBlooddoll of Elisabeth-Maria who works in the pharmaceutical sector
Tamara PattersonTamara PattersonChilde of Michaella
Tayyib MasurTayyib MasurKeeper of Elysium in Cairo
The MascotteThe MascotteThe creature declaring and backing the Keeper of Elysium of the 69th Regiment Armory
Mr. WorthingtonMr. WorthingtonMajordomo of Michaella, in charge of security and audiences
TulliusTulliusApprentice at the Chantry of the Five Boroughs proper
Uri DragomirovUri DragomirovFormer prince of saint_petersburg and sire of Elisabeth-Maria Holstein
Valentina "Tina" LopezValentina "Tina" LopezA member of the Sabbat and the second in command of Ordo Nox
Valerii MusilValerii MusilObsessive composer and Malkavian primogen of New York City
Violet Rachel FaneViolet Rachel FaneBlooddoll of Elisabeth-Maria studying Mathematics at NYU
Vivian GrayVivian GrayOld-school groundskeeper of the Chantry of the Five Boroughs, properly addressed as “Miss Gray”
William WoodsWilliam WoodsMember of the Hudson Freemen
Wotan YostWotan YostToreador kindred fleeing Johannesburg after a difference of opinion with the Prince of Johannesburg
Zaina al-NawraZaina al-NawraZaina is one of the Followers of Set related to The Golden Asp


See also the extensive Factions list.

Faction Description
ADGADGThe “About Da Green”, a gang operating out of the upper east side of Harlem
AshirraAshirraThe Ashirra the vampire society in the middle-east and north Africa
Bedford Park ChantryBedford Park ChantryThe Bronx chantry of the Tremere, subordinate to the Chantry of the Five Boroughs
BratvaBratvaa collective of various organized crime elements originating in the Soviet Union
CamarillaCamarillaThe Camarilla is the vampire society that upholds the traditions and rule of law
Canes BellumCanes BellumTremere chantry focused on warfare against the Sabbat
Chantry of the Five BoroughsChantry of the Five BoroughsThe main chantry of the Tremere in New York City
Children of HaqimChildren of HaqimAssassins from the Middle East
Clan BrujahClan BrujahBrujah often have violently criminal pasts, but they are as likely to be intellectual or socially adept
Clan GangrelClan GangrelGangrel rarely rely on subterfuge to get their way. Physical power is common among Gangrel.
Clan LasombraClan LasombraThe Lasombra are one of the backbone clans of the Sabbat
Clan MalkavianClan MalkavianMalkavians come in all shapes and flavours, and most of them are mad
Clan NosferatuClan NosferatuNosferatu are often loners, outsiders or drifters
Clan ToreadorClan ToreadorToreador are socialite lovers of all the arts
Clan TremereClan TremereTremere are knowledgeable warlocks and witches who dabble in the arcane
Clan TzimisceClan TzimisceThe Tzimisce are skilled fleshcrafters, and staunch supporters of the Sabbat
Clan VentrueClan VentrueVentrue are the upper class leaders of the Camarilla
Court of the PrinceCourt of the PrinceThe court of the Prince of New York City
CrimiclownsCrimiclownsThe militant branch of Clan Malkavian in New York City
East Side PunksEast Side PunksBrujah that express their individualism and anti-conformity through fashion and violence
Fell HallFell HallThe Brooklyn chantry of Tremere, subordinate to the Chantry of the Five Boroughs
Financiers ClubFinanciers ClubThe Financiers Club is a group of Ventrue that bankroll business ventures
Followers of SetFollowers of SetFollowers of Set follow the ideas and teachings of Set
Giovanni FamilyGiovanni FamilyMembers of the Italian Giovanni family who have been turned
Hell's OwnHell's OwnBrujah biker gang originally based out of Hell's Kitchen
Hudson FreemenHudson FreemenA group of people working tirelessly to end slavery in any form
MHBMHBThe “Make it Happen Boys”, a gang operating out of upper Manhatten
Ordo NoxOrdo NoxA sabbat pack operating out of Jersey City
Primogen CouncilPrimogen CouncilThe primogen council of New York City
Queen's ChantryQueen's ChantryThe Queens chantry of the Tremere, subordinate to the Chantry of the Five Boroughs
SabbatSabbatThe Sabbat is a collaboration of clans and kindred that seek to overthrow the rule of the elders
School of American BalletSchool of American BalletThe official school of the New York City Ballet
SOCSOCStrength Of Character, a gang operating out of Harlem.
The AssociatesThe AssociatesThe Associates are a loosely organized group of Ventrue operating in the legal and financial sector
The Golden AspThe Golden AspA high-class strip club in Harlem that serves the discerning customer
TravellersTravellersItinerant purveyors of information, “acquired” goods and changes in perspective
White DragonsWhite DragonsA chinese triad operating in New York City, based in Chinatown, Manhattan


See also the extensive Locations list.

Location Description
200 Brighton 15th Street200 Brighton 15th StreetThe bolt hole of Markus Chemnitz.
69th Regiment Armory69th Regiment ArmoryThe Elysium of New York City
Abu SimbelAbu SimbelVillage on the western bank of Lake Nassar, home of the Abu Simbel temples
AeternaAeternaThe hip club of Nicholas Dejesus, located in SoHo
Bedford Park ChantryBedford Park ChantryThe Bronx chantry of the Tremere, subordinate to the Chantry of the Five Boroughs
BrooklynBrooklynThe most populous of the five boroughs of New York City
Brownsville Basic BasementBrownsville Basic BasementDwayne's hideout in Brooklyn
CairoCairoCairo, aka the Jewel of the Nile
Cathedral of the Transfiguration of Our LordCathedral of the Transfiguration of Our LordA Russian Orthodox Cathedral in Brooklyn
Chantry of the Five BoroughsChantry of the Five BoroughsThe main chantry of the Tremere in New York City
Church of Our Lady of KovnoChurch of Our Lady of KovnoThe Manhattan Haven of Markus Chemnitz.
Club OontzClub OontzA disco club on the edge of Harlem
Crossroads SanctuaryCrossroads SanctuaryReverend Jonah's sanctuary for those that seek help
EgyptEgyptThe country of Egypt in North Africa
Empire State BuildingEmpire State BuildingThe iconic 102 story skyscraper of the New York skyline
Eze's CoffeeEze's CoffeeEze's Coffee is a small coffee and pancake shop in Harlem
Fell HallFell HallThe Brooklyn chantry of Tremere, subordinate to the Chantry of the Five Boroughs
Hudson Freemen ClubHudson Freemen ClubThe upscale dinner and jazz club of William Woods
Jersey CityJersey CityJersey City is the second-most-populous city in the state of New Jersey
Lincoln CenterLincoln CenterLincoln Center for the Performing Arts in Manhattan
LuxorLuxorLuxor, the world's greatest open-air museum
ManhattanManhattanThe most densely populated of the five boroughs of New York City
Manhattan Automobile MaintenanceManhattan Automobile MaintenanceThe garage of Lindsey Barnes
Manial PalaceManial PalaceOttoman dynasty era palace and grounds on Rhoda Island on the Nile
Metropolitan Opera HouseMetropolitan Opera HouseModern opera house located on Broadway at Lincoln Square
NetzoneNetzoneInternet café that's open 24/7, the night shift manager knows about vampires
New Jersey StateNew Jersey StateThe state of New Jersey in the United States of America
New York CityNew York CityNew York City, aka the Big Apple or “the center of the world”
New York DollsNew York DollsA Manhattan strip club that is sometimes used as the venue for the Upper Elysium
New York StateNew York StateThe state of New York in the United States of America
Orson IronworksOrson IronworksAn ironworks owned and run by Elijah Orson
Pier 22Pier 22Pier 22, known in the kindred community as “Giovanni Docks”
Queen's ChantryQueen's ChantryThe Queens chantry of the Tremere, subordinate to the Chantry of the Five Boroughs
QueensQueensThe most international borough of New York City
Rooftop ClubRooftop ClubA club built on top of a five-high condo
Rotary Club of Metro New YorkRotary Club of Metro New YorkEvening rotary club frequented only by the upper class of society
Saint Catherine's MonasterySaint Catherine's MonasteryAncient monastery on mount sinai.
Sharm el SheikSharm el SheikModern city and holiday resort on the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt
Staten IslandStaten IslandThe “forgotten borough” of New York City
The BronxThe BronxThe northernmost borough of New York City
The GalleryThe GalleryOfficially called the “Gallery of Critical Arts”, it is know simply as “The Gallery” in the art world
The Golden AspThe Golden AspA high-class strip club in Harlem that serves the discerning customer
The Leprechaun's TreasureThe Leprechaun's TreasureIrish Pub that offers unique services to paying customers
The PunchThe PunchFight club in Harlem
United Nations HeadquartersUnited Nations HeadquartersThe headquarters of the United Nations, including the general assembly hall and the secretariat