Five Boroughs

Dark nights in the Five Boroughs of the besieged New York City.

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Lady Aisling SturbridgeClan Tremere, Chantry of the Five Boroughs, Primogen Council
Alfonso Madolfo CogginsClan Tremere, Chantry of the Five Boroughs
Alice "Chocolat" BlackClan Brujah, Hudson Freemen
Sir BlakeleyClan Ventrue
Aruna AdhikariTravellers
Aurora KoskinenClan Gangrel
Avedis TiborClan Tzimisce
Aziz al-HazimiChildren of Haqim
Beatrice ArcuriCourt of the Prince
Ben SharpClan Brujah, Hudson Freemen, Primogen Council
Benjamin WhiteheadClan Malkavian
Bianca "Reaper" GiovanniGiovanni Family
Borislav SeleznyovClan Toreador
Brage LarsonCourt of the Prince
Brooke Van CleefClan Ventrue
Carlo SavioClan Toreador
Carol M. MeadowsClan Ventrue, Court of the Prince
Christine MetzClan Toreador, Primogen Council
Cierra EnestineClan Ventrue, Financiers Club
Collin "Check" CadenaClan Brujah, Hell's Own
David ChambersClan Ventrue, Court of the Prince
David HillhouseClan Ventrue, Court of the Prince
DunstanClan Tremere, Fell Hall
Dwayne "DMZ" ThompsonClan Brujah, SOC
Eddie "Wrench" WallaceClan Brujah, Hell's Own
Elijah HershelClan Ventrue
Elisabeth-Maria HolsteinClan Ventrue, Court of the Prince
Lady Elizabeth MinnocksClan Tremere, Queen's Chantry
EurusClan Nosferatu, Primogen Council
Five EmsClan Malkavian, Crimiclowns
Gabbriella di FirenziClan Ventrue
Gaston LebrunClan Tremere, Fell Hall
Giancarlo "Don Carlo" GiovanniGiovanni Family
Grímlaugur "Grim" HjálmarsonClan Brujah, Hell's Own
Hes-raFollowers of Set, The Golden Asp
Hong "Boss Hong" LiweiWhite Dragons
IacomoClan Malkavian, Crimiclowns
Imogen WyattClan Nosferatu
Isaac FranklinClan Tremere, Chantry of the Five Boroughs
Jacqueline CallowayClan Ventrue, Primogen Council
James de WitteClan Ventrue, Court of the Prince
Jay SwiftClan Gangrel, Primogen Council
Joseph DeckerClan Tremere, Chantry of the Five Boroughs
Joseph HicksClan Lasombra, Ordo Nox
Julia EsperClan Ventrue, Court of the Prince
Kenneth S. ForbesClan Ventrue
Kent "Jack of Hearts" GarveyClan Brujah, Hell's Own
Kevin WhiteClan Tremere, Canes Bellum
KhensaFollowers of Set, The Golden Asp
Leo "Cravat" TheraponClan Malkavian, Crimiclowns
Levi WiseClan Ventrue
Linda KetnerClan Gangrel
Lindsey BarnesClan Brujah, Hell's Own
Lucrezia GiovanniGiovanni Family
Lydia de WitteClan Ventrue
Madison ReadClan Ventrue
Malfalda FioreClan Lasombra
Markus ChemnitzClan Ventrue
Markus GottschalkClan Ventrue, Financiers Club
Matthew "Mat" HillSOC
Melynda GrissomClan Tremere, Canes Bellum, Court of the Prince
MichaellaClan Ventrue, Court of the Prince
MorrocoFollowers of Set
Nathalie SylvaineChildren of Haqim
NehbetFollowers of Set, The Golden Asp
Nicholas DejesusClan Toreador
Nicolette DaumierClan Toreador, Court of the Prince
Penny Leonora GarfieldClan Tremere, Fell Hall
Peter KohlerClan Nosferatu
Petrus "Moleman" McCormackClan Nosferatu
RastusClan Toreador
Ravenna WatkinsClan Tremere, Chantry of the Five Boroughs
Richard "Priest" BackusClan Brujah, East Side Punks
Robert OsorioCourt of the Prince
Roxie CarrollClan Brujah, East Side Punks
Rúna GrímlaugursdóttirClan Brujah, Hell's Own
Ryan HaydonClan Ventrue, The Associates
Samuel "Schooler" SchuylerClan Tremere, Canes Bellum
Sandra GonzalezClan Toreador
SenepsetFollowers of Set
Tamara PattersonClan Ventrue, Court of the Prince
Mr. WorthingtonClan Ventrue, Court of the Prince
TulliusClan Tremere, Chantry of the Five Boroughs
Valentina "Tina" LopezClan Tzimisce, Ordo Nox
Valerii MusilClan Malkavian, Primogen Council
Vivian GrayClan Tremere, Chantry of the Five Boroughs
William WoodsClan Brujah, Hudson Freemen, MHB
Wotan YostClan Toreador
Zaina al-NawraFollowers of Set, The Golden Asp
playground/playground.1479946455.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/11/24 01:14 by Brend