This is an old revision of the document!
| Person
| Description
| Type
| Faction
| Clan
| Bloodline
| Tag
 | Lady Adelina di Gallarate | Blooddoll of Elisabeth-Maria who does a lot of charity work | Kine | | | | Blood Doll, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Lady Aisling Sturbridge | High Regent of the Chantry of the Five Boroughs, and Primogen of the Tremere | Kindred | Chantry of the Five Boroughs, Primogen Council | Clan Tremere | Tremere | Camarilla, High Regent, Manhattan, New York City, Primogen, Camarilla, High Regent, Manhattan, New York City, Primogen |
 | Alfonso Madolfo Coggins | Apprentice at the Chantry of the Five Boroughs proper | Kindred | Chantry of the Five Boroughs | Clan Tremere | Tremere | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Alice "Chocolat" Black | Member of the Hudson Freemen and Harpy in Manhattan, traditional organizer of the Upper Elysium | Kindred | Hudson Freemen | Clan Brujah | Brujah | Camarilla, Harpy, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Amenia | Keeper of Elysium in Luxor | Kindred | | | | Keeper of Elysium, Luxor |
 | Lord Andres Lecompte | Lord Councillor of Banu Duval in Cairo | Kindred | | | Toreador | Cairo |
 | Sir Blakeley | A British gentleman living in Abu Simbel | Kindred | | Clan Ventrue | Ventrue | Abu Simbel |
 | Aruna Adhikari | Travellers visiting New York City to visit his kine family | Kindred | | Travellers | Ravnos | Manhattan, New York City |
 | Aurora Koskinen | Gangrel shapeshifter and urban tracker, deputy scourge | Kindred | | Clan Gangrel | Gangrel | Camarilla, Deputy Scourge, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Avedis Tibor | Bishop of the Sabbat, currently in Jersey City | Kindred | | Clan Tzimisce | Toreador | Jersey City, Sabbat |
 | Ayub of Sudan | Prince of Abu Simbel | Kindred | | | | Abu Simbel, Ashirra, Prince |
 | Aziz al-Hazimi | Assamite contractor based in New York City | Kindred | | Children of Haqim | Assamite | New York City |
 | Beatrice Arcuri | Enforcer working directly for the prince | Kindred | Court of the Prince | | Brujah | Camarilla, New York City |
 | Ben Sharp | Former escaped slave, Brujah primogen | Kindred | Hudson Freemen, Primogen Council | Clan Brujah | Brujah | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City, Primogen, Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City, Primogen |
 | Benjamin Whitehead | Malkavian that acts suspiciously sane, Deputy Sheriff of Manhattan | Kindred | | Clan Malkavian | Malkavian | Camarilla, Deputy Sheriff, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Bianca "Reaper" Giovanni | Giovanni necromancer, active participant in Camarilla social life | Kindred | | Giovanni Family | Giovanni | Manhattan, New York City |
 | Borislav Seleznyov | Russian ballet dancer that escaped to New York in the '60s | Kindred | | Clan Toreador | Toreador | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Brage Larson | Enforcer working directly for the prince | Kindred | Court of the Prince | | Ventrue | Camarilla, New York City |
 | Brooke Van Cleef | Young woman that always dresses with understated elegance | Kindred | | Clan Ventrue | Ventrue | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Carlo Savio | Toreador that has elevated gun-fights to an art, deputy scourge | Kindred | | Clan Toreador | Toreador | Camarilla, Deputy Scourge, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Carol M. Meadows | Influential Harpy in Manhattan | Kindred | Court of the Prince | Clan Ventrue | Ventrue | Camarilla, Harpy, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Charlotte Pinon de Quincy | Blooddoll of Elisabeth-Maria who dropped out of Art School | Kine | | | | Blood Doll, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Christine Metz | Primogen of the Toreador | Kindred | Primogen Council | Clan Toreador | Toreador | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City, Primogen |
 | Cierra Enestine | Female billionaire of uncertain origin | Kindred | Financiers Club | Clan Ventrue | Ventrue | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Collin "Check" Cadena | Member of Hell's Own | Kindred | Hell's Own | Clan Brujah | Brujah | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City |
 | David Chambers | Sheriff of New York City, personally handles cases involving Wall Street or the United Nations | Kindred | Court of the Prince | Clan Ventrue | Ventrue | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City, Sheriff |
 | David Hillhouse | Seneschal of New York City | Kindred | Court of the Prince | Clan Ventrue | Ventrue | Camarilla, New York City, Seneschal |
 | Djamila al-Qayima | Princess of Sharm el Sheik | Kindred | | | Brujah | Ashirra, Prince, Sharm el Sheik |
 | Dunstan | Mad scientist mentor of Isaac Franklin | Kindred | Fell Hall | Clan Tremere | Malkavian | Brooklyn, Camarilla, New York City |
 | Dwayne "DMZ" Thompson | An ex-gang member with a tangent for history | Kindred | SOC | Clan Brujah | Brujah | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Eddie "Wrench" Wallace | Quartermaster of the Hell's Own manhattan chapter | Kindred | Hell's Own | Clan Brujah | Brujah | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Elijah Hershel | Cigar-smoking businessman in Tel Aviv, works with Levi Wise | Kindred | | Clan Ventrue | Ventrue | tel_aviv |
 | Elijah Orson | An ironworker by trade, owner of Orson Ironworks in The Bronx | Ghoul | | | | New York City, The Bronx |
 | Elisabeth-Maria Holstein | Very attractive socialite | Kindred | Court of the Prince | Clan Ventrue | Ventrue | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Lady Elizabeth Minnocks | Regent of Queen's Chantry | Kindred | Queen's Chantry | Clan Tremere | Tremere | Camarilla, New York City, Queens, Regent |
 | Emily Preston | Personal assistant of Elisabeth-Maria Holstein | Kine | | | | Manhattan, New York City |
 | Eurus | Rumoured to hail from ancient Greece, Primogen of the Nosferatu | Kindred | Primogen Council | Clan Nosferatu | Nosferatu | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City, Primogen |
 | Evgeni Grigoriy | Young man who attends the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of Our Lord | Kine | | | | Brooklyn, New York City |
 | Ezekiel Jones | Owner of Eze's Coffee and landlord of Dwayne "DMZ" Thompson | Kine | | | | Manhattan, New York City |
 | Fabiano Lucchese | Boss of the Lucchese crime family | Kine | | | | Brooklyn, New York City |
 | Five Ems | Tactical Disambiguation officer of the Crimiclowns | Kindred | Crimiclowns | Clan Malkavian | Malkavian | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Lady Francine Lecompte | The wife of the Lord Councillor of Banu Duval in Cairo | Kindred | | | | Cairo |
 | Gabbriella di Firenzi | Sire of Markus Chemnitz | Kindred | | Clan Ventrue | Lasombra | Manhattan, New York City |
 | Gabriella Lucchese | Daughter of Fabiano Lucchese | Kine | | | | Brooklyn, New York City |
 | Gabrielle von Degenfeld | Blooddoll of Elisabeth-Maria who works at a publishing company | Kine | | | | Blood Doll, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Gaston Lebrun | French immigrant and Regent of Fell Hall | Kindred | Fell Hall | Clan Tremere | Tremere | Brooklyn, Camarilla, New York City, Regent |
 | Giancarlo "Don Carlo" Giovanni | Don Carlo has strong ties to the Genovese family of the Cosa Nostra | Kindred | | Giovanni Family | Giovanni | Manhattan, New York City |
 | Gregorio Pacetti | Capo of Fabiano Lucchese & major contatct of Lindsey Barnes | Kine | | | | Manhattan, New York City |
 | Grímlaugur "Grim" Hjálmarson | Prince of Reykjavik in exile, captain of the Hell's Own manhattan chapter | Kindred | Hell's Own | Clan Brujah | Gangrel | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Hala al-Nasira | Wife of Keeper of Elysium Tayyib Masur | Kindred | | | | Cairo |
 | Harper Poole | Acquintance of Kevin White from his living days | Ghoul | | | Nosferatu | Manhattan, New York City |
 | Hes-ra | Enforcer of The Golden Asp, Hes-ra is the twin of Khensa | Kindred | The Golden Asp | Followers of Set | Setite | Manhattan, New York City |
 | Hong "Boss Hong" Liwei | Boss of the White Dragons triad based in Chinatown | Kine | White Dragons | | | Manhattan, New York City |
 | Iacomo | Human Resources officer of the Crimiclowns | Kindred | Crimiclowns | Clan Malkavian | Malkavian | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Imogen Wyatt | Nosferatu infiltrator and seductress | Kindred | | Clan Nosferatu | Nosferatu | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Isaac Franklin | A permanent student willing to share his insights | Kindred | Chantry of the Five Boroughs | Clan Tremere | Malkavian | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Isabella Endrizzi | A kindred from the Lasombra bloodline living in Queens, by her own admission not involved in the Sabbat-Camarilla | Kindred | | | Lasombra | Queens |
 | Jabbar of Alexandria | A fixer working for wealthy clients, often those that want discretion and results | | | | | |
 | Jack Wallace | Ghoul for Lindsey Barnes and general manager of Manhattan Automobile Maintenance | Ghoul | | | Brujah | Manhattan, New York City |
 | Jacqueline Calloway | Savvy businesswoman and primogen for the Ventrue | Kindred | Primogen Council | Clan Ventrue | Ventrue | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City, Primogen |
 | Jacqueline Eslinger | Former ballet dancer, currently employed as overqualified exotic dancer | Kine | | | | New York City |
 | Jameela ahl ar-Raya | One of the philosophers living in Cairo | Kindred | | | Brujah | Cairo |
 | James de Witte | Baron of Brooklyn | Kindred | Court of the Prince | Clan Ventrue | Ventrue | Baron, Brooklyn, Camarilla, New York City |
 | Jay Swift | Respected inhabitant of Central Park and gangrel primogen of New York City | Kindred | Primogen Council | Clan Gangrel | Gangrel | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City, Primogen |
 | Reverend Jonah | Reverend Jonah is the priest of the Crossroads Sanctuary | Kine | | | | Manhattan, New York City |
 | Joseph Decker | Personal guard of the High Regent of the Chantry of the Five Boroughs | Ghoul | Chantry of the Five Boroughs | Clan Tremere | Tremere | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Joseph Hicks | An influential member of the Sabbat and the leader of the Ordo Nox pack | Kindred | Ordo Nox | Clan Lasombra | Lasombra | Jersey City, Sabbat |
 | Julia Esper | Chamberlain of Michaella, in charge of the household and management of the household staff | Ghoul | Court of the Prince | Clan Ventrue | Ventrue | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Katrina Edmonson | The proprietor of the Rooftop Club, and supernatural fixer | Kine | | | | Manhattan, New York City |
 | Kenneth S. Forbes | Stylish gentleman of means | Kindred | | Clan Ventrue | Ventrue | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Kent "Jack of Hearts" Garvey | Member of Hell's Own | Kindred | Hell's Own | Clan Brujah | Brujah | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Kevin White | Hacker and con-man | Kindred | Canes Bellum | Clan Tremere | Nosferatu | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Khensa | Enforcer of The Golden Asp, Khensa is the twin of Hes-ra | Kindred | The Golden Asp | Followers of Set | Setite | Manhattan, New York City |
 | Kimberly Parson | Blooddoll of Elisabeth-Maria who works as a fashion model | Kine | | | | Blood Doll, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Reverend Konstantín Leshchyov | Reverend Konstantín Leshchyov is the priest of the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of Our Lord | Kine | | | | Brooklyn, New York City |
 | Leo "Cravat" Therapon | Public Relations officer of the Crimiclowns | Kindred | Crimiclowns | Clan Malkavian | Malkavian | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Levi Wise | Politically active real-estate magnate | Kindred | | Clan Ventrue | Ventrue | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Linda Ketner | Bag lady that shuffles around in Central Park, is knowledgable about the park and all its inhabitants | Kindred | | Clan Gangrel | Gangrel | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Lindsey Barnes | A motorcycle riding mechanic with a thing for equality | Kindred | Hell's Own | Clan Brujah | Brujah | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Lucrezia Giovanni | Attractive diplomat of the Giovanni Family | Kindred | | Giovanni Family | Giovanni | Manhattan, New York City |
 | Lydia de Witte | Wife of James de Witte | Kindred | | Clan Ventrue | Ventrue | Brooklyn, Camarilla, New York City |
 | Madison Read | Socialite with many “friends” in powerful and influential business positions | Kindred | | Clan Ventrue | Ventrue | Camarilla, New York City, Queens |
 | Malfalda Fiore | Arch-bishop of the Sabbat, operating out of Jersey City | Kindred | | Clan Lasombra | Lasombra | Jersey City, Sabbat |
 | Lady Malory von Krane | Blooddoll of Elisabeth-Maria who is in New York to see the world | Kine | | | | Blood Doll, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Markus Chemnitz | Former Spy | Kindred | | Clan Ventrue | Lasombra | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Markus Gottschalk | Excessively wealthy man of German lineage | Kindred | Financiers Club | Clan Ventrue | Ventrue | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Matthew "Mat" Hill | Former gang member who's always looking ahead. | Ghoul | SOC | | | Manhattan, New York City |
 | Melchi-Resha | Demon who possessed Elisabeth-Maria Holstein | Demon | | | | |
 | Melynda Grissom | Regent of Canes Bellum and Scourge of New York City | Kindred | Canes Bellum, Court of the Prince | Clan Tremere | Tremere | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City, Regent, Scourge, Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City, Regent, Scourge |
 | Menkheperre | The Prince of Luxor | Kindred | | | | Luxor, Prince |
 | Merti | Consort of Menkheperre, princess of Luxor | Kindred | | | | Luxor |
 | Michaella | Prince of New York City | Kindred | Court of the Prince | Clan Ventrue | Ventrue | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City, Prince |
 | Morroco | A popular night-club dancer with a large pet snake | Kindred | | Followers of Set | Setite | Cairo |
 | Mukhtar Bey | Prince of Cairo | Kindred | | | Caitiff | Cairo, Prince |
 | Nathalie Sylvaine | Assamite hunter that socializes with both Camarilla and Sabbat | Kindred | | Children of Haqim | Assamite | New York City |
 | Nehbet | Owner and manager of The Golden Asp, Nehbet is a woman of middle-eastern origin | Kindred | The Golden Asp | Followers of Set | Setite | Manhattan, New York City |
 | Nicholas Dejesus | Toreador Harpy of Manhattan and traditional organiser of the Lower Elysium | Kindred | | Clan Toreador | Toreador | Camarilla, Harpy, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Nicolette Daumier | Self-confident socialite that does not believe in Clan or Sect divisions, the Keeper of Elysium | Kindred | Court of the Prince | Clan Toreador | Toreador | Camarilla, Keeper of Elysium, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Oxana Vasileva | Old lady who attends the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of Our Lord | Kine | | | | Brooklyn, New York City |
 | Patricia mcNeel | Ghoul for Isaac Franklin | Ghoul | | | Malkavian | Manhattan, New York City |
 | Penny Leonora Garfield | Apprentice living in Fell Hall, very interested in fire-related magic | Kindred | Fell Hall | Clan Tremere | Tremere | Brooklyn, Camarilla, New York City |
 | Peter Ingolf | High-ranking member of the Camarilla | Kindred | | | | Camarilla |
 | Peter Kohler | Nosferatu known for his exquisite singing voice | Kindred | | Clan Nosferatu | Nosferatu | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Petrus "Moleman" McCormack | A humpbacked information broker operating out of a underground lair below the 50St subway station | Kindred | | Clan Nosferatu | Nosferatu | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Polishchuk Yevgeniy | Former KGB Agent | Kine | | | | Manhattan, New York City |
 | Preecha "pancake" Klahananong | Preecha “Ka” Klahananong is a Golden Courts Mandarin | Kuei-Jin | | | | Manhattan, New York City |
 | Rachel Dannel | Acquintance of Kevin White from his living days | Ghoul | | | Nosferatu | Manhattan, New York City |
 | Rastus | Graffiti artist active in Brooklyn | Kindred | | Clan Toreador | Toreador | Brooklyn, New York City |
 | Ravenna Watkins | Apprentice at the Chantry of the Five Boroughs, and Harpy in Manhattan | Kindred | Chantry of the Five Boroughs | Clan Tremere | Tremere | Camarilla, Harpy, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Richard "Priest" Backus | East side-based Brujah, known in some circles as the “Priest of Rock” | Kindred | East Side Punks | Clan Brujah | Brujah | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Robert Osorio | Enforcer working directly for the prince | Kindred | Court of the Prince | | Gangrel | Camarilla, New York City |
 | Roxie Carroll | East side-based Brujah espousing the causes of sexual and racial equality (with violence) | Kindred | East Side Punks | Clan Brujah | Brujah | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Rúna Grímlaugursdóttir | Sole female member of the Hell's Own Manhattan chapter | Kindred | Hell's Own | Clan Brujah | Gangrel | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Ryan Haydon | Self-described “international stock broker extraordinaire” | Kindred | The Associates | Clan Ventrue | Ventrue | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Samuel "Schooler" Schuyler | Tremere apprentice blending martial arts and thaumaturgy | Kindred | Canes Bellum | Clan Tremere | Tremere | Camarilla, Deputy Scourge, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Sandra Gonzalez | Toreador painter living in SoHo, well-known in the kine art world | Kindred | | Clan Toreador | Toreador | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Senepset | A friend of Nehbet, and supporter of serpentine animals | Kindred | | Followers of Set | Setite | Cairo |
 | Sitamun | Consort of Menkheperre, princess of Luxor | Kindred | | | | Luxor |
 | Sophia Bell | Blooddoll of Elisabeth-Maria who works in the pharmaceutical sector | Kine | | | | Blood Doll, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Tamara Patterson | Childe of Michaella | Kindred | Court of the Prince | Clan Ventrue | Ventrue | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Tayyib Masur | Keeper of Elysium in Cairo | Kindred | | | Brujah | Cairo, Keeper of Elysium |
 | The Mascotte | The creature declaring and backing the Keeper of Elysium of the 69th Regiment Armory | | | | | New York City |
 | Mr. Worthington | Majordomo of Michaella, in charge of security and audiences | | Court of the Prince | Clan Ventrue | | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Tullius | Apprentice at the Chantry of the Five Boroughs proper | Kindred | Chantry of the Five Boroughs | Clan Tremere | | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Uri Dragomirov | Former prince of saint_petersburg and sire of Elisabeth-Maria Holstein | Kindred | | | Ventrue | |
 | Valentina "Tina" Lopez | A member of the Sabbat and the second in command of Ordo Nox | Kindred | Ordo Nox | Clan Tzimisce | Tzimisce | Jersey City, Sabbat |
 | Valerii Musil | Obsessive composer and Malkavian primogen of New York City | Kindred | Primogen Council | Clan Malkavian | Malkavian | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City, Primogen |
 | Violet Rachel Fane | Blooddoll of Elisabeth-Maria studying Mathematics at NYU | Kine | | | | Blood Doll, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Vivian Gray | Old-school groundskeeper of the Chantry of the Five Boroughs, properly addressed as “Miss Gray” | Ghoul | Chantry of the Five Boroughs | Clan Tremere | Tremere | Camarilla, Groundskeeper, Manhattan, New York City |
 | William Woods | Member of the Hudson Freemen | Kindred | Hudson Freemen, MHB | Clan Brujah | Brujah | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City, Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Wotan Yost | Toreador kindred fleeing Johannesburg after a difference of opinion with the Prince of Johannesburg | Kindred | | Clan Toreador | | Camarilla, Manhattan, New York City |
 | Zaina al-Nawra | Zaina is one of the Followers of Set related to The Golden Asp | Kindred | The Golden Asp | Followers of Set | Setite | Manhattan, New York City |