Berlin by Night

After the fall of the wall... Bleigh!

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Unimaged people

A list of people without images.

P Desc Tags
AlexanderBrujah ghoul belonging to Cassius and MarcelFourth Reich, West Berlin
Angelino HammerBrujah Archon who beats things upArchon, E-Division
AntoinnePersonal Ghoul of AnntoinetteWest Berlin
Bastian ProllAnarch Empire-builderFourth Reich, West Berlin
CassiusChilde of Dieter. Works with Marcel and co-owns AlexanderFourth Reich, West Berlin
Charity CaizeMalkavian Archon with many personalitiesArchon, E-Division
Christian GarotKindred who apparently turned human againFrankfurt (Oder)
Christian Völker zu FrankfurtHandsome sexual assaulter with jealous wifeRotary, West Berlin
Eduard "Ed" PücklerDrugsdealer in GropiusstadtWest Berlin
GatesQuiet gangrel archonArchon, E-Division
Herbert FaulstichAncilla who tried to take over Frankfurt (Oder)Frankfurt (Oder)
Hermann Die DünneChilde of Hermann Göring?Fourth Reich, West Berlin
Ian CarfaxEnglish Tremere Archon with an interest in networkingArchon, E-Division
Johann von RusdorfPrince of Frankfurt (Oder)Frankfurt (Oder), Prince
Julian SandersonTremere Archon into ancient mythologyArchon, E-Division
Magnus von RusdorfSenechal of Frankfurt (Oder)Frankfurt (Oder), senechal
Manuel BüchnerEnigmatic FascistFourth Reich, West Berlin
MarcelBrujah who works with Cassius and co-owns Alexander.Fourth Reich, West Berlin
NagyTravelling ServitorE-Division, Servitores
NornInternet TrollFourth Reich, West Berlin
OdinMale Brujah associated with the Fourth ReichFourth Reich, West Berlin
Old HansHomeless man who believes he speaks with the Archangel GabrielWest Berlin
Otto von Hohenlohe-IngelfingenAdmirer of Elisabeth-Maria Holstein, acquintance of Alastar Mac CaoileannRotary
Richard O'ShayBrujah Archon with a fascination for gunsArchon, E-Division
Samat RamalSettite Archon in E-DivisionArchon, E-Division
Stefan ReichFormer Nazi Doctor in charge of the robert_koch_instituteWest Berlin
Tomlim SinclairNosferatu Archon with an interest in MummiesArchon, E-Division
Uwe AbendTremere Apprentice of in the Berlin ChantryWest Berlin
Walther KurschatGhoul to Tomáš FiserWest Berlin
Wolf-Dietrich von HabsburgDe facto prince of viennavienna
notes/unimaged_people.1449010357.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/12/01 23:52 by Brend