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Unimaged people
A list of people without images.
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Alexander | Brujah ghoul belonging to Cassius and Marcel | Fourth Reich, West Berlin |
Angelino Hammer | Brujah Archon who beats things up | Archon, E-Division |
Antoinne | Personal Ghoul of Anntoinette | West Berlin |
Bastian Proll | Anarch Empire-builder | Fourth Reich, West Berlin |
Cassius | Childe of Dieter. Works with Marcel and co-owns Alexander | Fourth Reich, West Berlin |
Charity Caize | Malkavian Archon with many personalities | Archon, E-Division |
Christian Garot | Kindred who apparently turned human again | Frankfurt (Oder) |
Christian Völker zu Frankfurt | Handsome sexual assaulter with jealous wife | Rotary, West Berlin |
Eduard "Ed" Pückler | Drugsdealer in Gropiusstadt | West Berlin |
Gates | Quiet gangrel archon | Archon, E-Division |
Herbert Faulstich | Ancilla who tried to take over Frankfurt (Oder) | Frankfurt (Oder) |
Hermann Die Dünne | Childe of Hermann Göring? | Fourth Reich, West Berlin |
Ian Carfax | English Tremere Archon with an interest in networking | Archon, E-Division |
Johann von Rusdorf | Prince of Frankfurt (Oder) | Frankfurt (Oder), Prince |
Julian Sanderson | Tremere Archon into ancient mythology | Archon, E-Division |
Magnus von Rusdorf | Senechal of Frankfurt (Oder) | Frankfurt (Oder), senechal |
Manuel Büchner | Enigmatic Fascist | Fourth Reich, West Berlin |
Marcel | Brujah who works with Cassius and co-owns Alexander. | Fourth Reich, West Berlin |
Nagy | Travelling Servitor | E-Division, Servitores |
Norn | Internet Troll | Fourth Reich, West Berlin |
Odin | Male Brujah associated with the Fourth Reich | Fourth Reich, West Berlin |
Old Hans | Homeless man who believes he speaks with the Archangel Gabriel | West Berlin |
Otto von Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen | Admirer of Elisabeth-Maria Holstein, acquintance of Alastar Mac Caoileann | Rotary |
Richard O'Shay | Brujah Archon with a fascination for guns | Archon, E-Division |
Samat Ramal | Settite Archon in E-Division | Archon, E-Division |
Stefan Reich | Former Nazi Doctor in charge of the robert_koch_institute | West Berlin |
Tomlim Sinclair | Nosferatu Archon with an interest in Mummies | Archon, E-Division |
Uwe Abend | Tremere Apprentice of in the Berlin Chantry | West Berlin |
Walther Kurschat | Ghoul to Tomáš Fiser | West Berlin |
Wolf-Dietrich von Habsburg | De facto prince of vienna | vienna |