Berlin by Night

After the fall of the wall... Bleigh!

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Person Description Type Clan Tag


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Person Description Type Clan Tag
ImpiPomeranian pet of Elisabeth-Maria HolsteinAnimalWest Berlin
Gixzerax KopergrijperLeprechaun running a shop in the the Fey World related to Volkspark FriedrichshainFaerieEast Berlin
bernhardring.jpgBernard GoldsteinGhost of a Jew killed in a concentration camp. Associated with a ringGhostDeceased
Jacob GrimmFloating head which hangs around in Volkspark FriedrichshainGhostEast Berlin
Xi ChangGhost in Bangkok who works as an informant for the CensorGhostBangkok
Adala WollschlaegerMadame of LippeGhoulBrujahWest Berlin
AlexanderBrujah ghoul belonging to Cassius and MarcelGhoulBrujahFourth Reich, West Berlin
Lau Mei-yinMichelle Lau, secretary at Catai Aktienhandel und FinanzdienstleistungenGhoulBrujahWest Berlin
Professor PrazmowskiPolish Professor skilled in the field of Spirits and GhostsGhoulGiovanni
Torro GiovanniGiovanni Ghoul who assisted in going to BangkokGhoulGiovanni
AntoinnePersonal Ghoul of AnntoinetteGhoulToreadorWest Berlin
Jens KlopstockChief of Security of prince Wilhelm WaldburgGhoulVentrueWest Berlin
AbbotWinged Sabbat soldierKindredSabbat, West Berlin
Cruach the BlindBlind and Hyper-religious vampire new in town, hoping to convertKindred
eyesofcruach.jpgEyes of CruachSeeing-eye-vampire of Cruach the BlindKindred
FrankFormer ghoul of the Prince embraced by Sabbat attackersKindred
Herbert FaulstichAncilla who tried to take over Frankfurt (Oder)KindredFrankfurt (Oder)
Johann von RusdorfPrince of Frankfurt (Oder)KindredFrankfurt (Oder), Prince
Magnus von RusdorfSenechal of Frankfurt (Oder)KindredFrankfurt (Oder), senechal
Alastar Mac CaoileannEx-IRA stock broker and small business ownerKindredBrujahServitores, West Berlin
Angelino HammerBrujah Archon who beats things upKindredBrujahArchon, E-Division
CassiusChilde of Dieter. Works with Marcel and co-owns AlexanderKindredBrujahFourth Reich, West Berlin
Dieter KotlarBrujah Primogen in West BerlinKindredBrujahPrimogen, Scourge, West Berlin
Erika GeigerFemale Brujah sometimes seen with Dieter KotlarKindredBrujahFourth Reich, West Berlin
MarcelBrujah who works with Cassius and co-owns Alexander.KindredBrujahFourth Reich, West Berlin
OdinMale Brujah associated with the Fourth ReichKindredBrujahFourth Reich, West Berlin
Richard O'ShayBrujah Archon with a fascination for gunsKindredBrujahArchon, E-Division
Stefan RutigarBrujah Primogen in East BerlinKindredBrujahEast Berlin, Primogen
DillanLonghaired lazzy lout that cares about GrunewaldKindredGangrelGrunewald
GatesQuiet gangrel archonKindredGangrelArchon, E-Division
Irene GiovanniNurse following Professor Prazmowski around, actually a low ranking GiovanniKindredGiovanni
The MistressHigh ranking Giovanni with expertise focussed on ghosts.KindredGiovanni
giangaleazzo.jpegGiangaleazzoLasombra Prince of milanKindredLasombramilan, Prince
Bastian ProllAnarch Empire-builderKindredMalkavianFourth Reich, West Berlin
Charity CaizeMalkavian Archon with many personalitiesKindredMalkavianArchon, E-Division
Hermann Die DünneChilde of Hermann Göring?KindredMalkavianFourth Reich, West Berlin
hermann_goering.jpgHermann GöringFormer Nazi leader turned vampire, believes Heinrich Himmler is after himKindredMalkavianFourth Reich, West Berlin
J. Oswald Hyde-WhiteMalkavian PrimogenKindredMalkavianPrimogen, West Berlin
lulu.jpgLuluProject LebensbornKindredMalkavianFourth Reich, West Berlin
Manuel BüchnerEnigmatic FascistKindredMalkavianFourth Reich, West Berlin
PersiaMalkavian living statue who speaks prophecyKindredMalkavianWest Berlin
Pigeon LadyCrazy Pigeon LadyKindredMalkavianWest Berlin
VanthTall MalkavianKindredMalkavianWest Berlin
AmeliaFormer Russian noblewoman NosferatuKindredNosferatuWest Berlin
EllisonThe Nosferatu Primogen for West BerlinKindredNosferatuPrimogen, West Berlin
ForsakenNosferatu who searches for Fey bloodKindredNosferatuWest Berlin
gertraud.jpgGertraud SchwartzTrue MaidenKindredNosferatuFourth Reich, West Berlin
HalloRetarded bartender of Die FledermausKindredNosferatuWest Berlin
Konrad DresslerEx-Detective turned burglarKindredNosferatu
NornInternet TrollKindredNosferatuFourth Reich, West Berlin
vampire_rasputin.jpgRasputinFaith healer from pre-soviet russiaKindredNosferatuWest Berlin
Tomlim SinclairNosferatu Archon with an interest in MummiesKindredNosferatuArchon, E-Division
Samat RamalSettite Archon in E-DivisionKindredSettiteArchon, E-Division
AnntoinettePrimogen in West Berlin, movie loving harpyKindredToreadorHarpy, Primogen, West Berlin
BernadetteFormer Keeper of Elysium in West BerlinKindredToreador
Hans VrönikGuy who plays the SaxophoneKindredToreadorWest Berlin
Jamie JonesCIA AgentKindredToreadorWest Berlin
RosalindeToreador ViolinistKindredToreadorWest Berlin
Thomas de LutriusToreador Primogen for East BerlinKindredToreadorEast Berlin, Primogen
VerenaHarpy attachment of AnntoinetteKindredToreadorHarpy, West Berlin
BristletongueEnglish Witch and Tremere Adept in the Berlin ChantryKindredTremereWest Berlin
Frederick WertherThe Tremere Primogen for East BerlinKindredTremereEast Berlin, Primogen
Heinrich HimmlerFormer Nazi leader turned vampireKindredTremereEast Berlin
Ian CarfaxEnglish Tremere Archon with an interest in networkingKindredTremereArchon, E-Division
Ivonne HeidrichFire Elementalist of the Berlin ChantryKindredTremereWest Berlin
Julian SandersonTremere Archon into ancient mythologyKindredTremereArchon, E-Division
Karl SchrektTremere JusticarKindredTremereJusticar
Maxwell LdescuTremere Primogen in West BerlinKindredTremerePrimogen, West Berlin
NagyTravelling ServitorKindredTremereE-Division, Servitores
Tomáš FiserDrug dealer and Tremere apprenticeKindredTremereServitores, West Berlin
Uwe AbendTremere Apprentice of in the Berlin ChantryKindredTremereWest Berlin
Victor HörtzDiablerist Tremere who works with hellgates in BangkokKindredTremereBangkok, Deceased, Diablerist
Arnold von BluecherUgly VentrueKindredVentrueEast Berlin
Elisabeth-Maria HolsteinVery attractive socialiteKindredVentrueKeeper of Elysium, Servitores, West Berlin
Gustav BreidensteinPrince of East BerlinKindredVentrueEast Berlin, Prince
Jessica MorrowArchon of the Justicar Karl SchrektKindredVentrueArchon, E-Division
Jörgen MöllerSheriff of West-BerlinKindredVentrueSheriff, West Berlin
katarina_kornfeld.jpgKatarina KornfeldVentrue Primogen in East BerlinKindredVentrueEast Berlin, Primogen
Marcel DekkerVentrue who ran in terror during rescue attemptKindredVentrueWest Berlin
NicholeVentrue PrimogenKindredVentruePrimogen, West Berlin
Olga ErenbaumFull-rounded Ventrue also known as “The Patroness”KindredVentrueWest Berlin
peter_kleist.jpgPeter KleistEnforcer for Prince Wilhelm WaldburgKindredVentrueWest Berlin
Uri DragomirovClaimed sire of Elisabeth-Maria HolsteinKindredVentrueWest Berlin
Wilhelm WaldburgPrince of West BerlinKindredVentruePrince, West Berlin
Wolf-Dietrich von HabsburgDe facto prince of viennaKindredVentruevienna
Christian Völker zu FrankfurtHandsome sexual assaulter with jealous wifeKineRotary, West Berlin
Christiana WegenerArt and document forgerKineWest Berlin
Claudia Völker zu Frankfurt-Hellmann-BärwaldJealous wife of Christian Völker zu FrankfurtKineRotary, West Berlin
Sir Eduard HamptonExtremely English member of the FreemasonsKineWest Berlin
Eduard "Ed" PücklerDrugsdealer in GropiusstadtKineWest Berlin
Elke KatjarJournalist for the Berliner MorgenpostKineWest Berlin
Franz ReismannPolizeipräsident Stadtbezirk Charlottenburg (Eng. Chief of Police of Charlottenburg)KineWest Berlin
Helena BlavatskyAlso known as Madam Blavatsky, the late Helena Blavatsky was an occultist, spirit medium and author and founder of the Theosophical SocietyKineDeceased
Katrina WendenburgOne of the seven 'Succubi'Kine
Lau Sin-FengRuthless stock broker on the Hong Kong Stock ExchangeKineHong Kong
Lianne BerlepschArchitect mentioned in the Orange Co. plans for GrunewaldKine
Margarita (Rita) Shalomentseva ValerianovnaDevout elderly Russian immigrantKineWest Berlin
Old HansHomeless man who believes he speaks with the Archangel GabrielKineWest Berlin
Otmar KiefferOtmar “Skinny” Kieffer is a self-styled “Arms dealer extraordinaire”KineWest Berlin
Otto von Hohenlohe-IngelfingenAdmirer of Elisabeth-Maria Holstein, acquintance of Alastar Mac CaoileannKineRotary
Stefan ReichFormer Nazi Doctor in charge of the robert_koch_instituteKineWest Berlin
Walther KurschatGhoul to Tomáš FiserKineWest Berlin
Christian GarotKindred who apparently turned human againKineToreadorFrankfurt (Oder)
Khaph KhêkKhaph khêk is a Bangkok Kuei-Jin nicknamed “Cupcake”Kuei-JinBangkok, Golden Courts
Lien ChinCrocodile-creature, teacher of Eastern wisdomsKuei-Jin
Preecha KlahananongPreecha “Ka” Klahananong is a Golden Courts MandarinKuei-JinBangkok, Golden Courts, Mandarin
ic/people.1422701652.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/01/31 11:54 by Mercury